I have had a very busy weekend, so this is the better late than never edition...
In my life this week…
I had a very busy week. Delani had to visit the dentist on Tuesday, where I also signed my life away for her upcoming dental work. I attended a Woman's Conference, so that made my week seem very crunched for time. I also had to put away all my summer clothes and pull out all my winter clothes which is very time consuming.
In our homeschool this week…
Since I wasn't going to be home on Friday that gave us one less day to do work. I had a few things assigned for Caleb to do on Friday, but when it came time to leave that was the last thing on my mind and I forgot to remind him.
Caleb started Biology 101. He is reading Exploring the World of Biology along with the DVDs. I am still working on finalizing the weekly plans, but we dived right in.
In history, Destini and Chantry learned about some very unsavory characters. In their world history,Our Island Story we delved into Bloody Mary's reign--not a pretty picture! In our American History book, This Country of Ours, we read about how the Spaniards drove the French out of Florida. Both are reading about Leonardo da Vinci for our biography selection. Chantry and I are reading Diane Stanley's book and Destini is reading one by Emily Hahn, which she has really enjoy.
I’m reading…

I’m cooking…
Potato soup! We had a real cold spell this week and it was perfect weather for soup.
I’m grateful for…
A furnace!
I’m praying for…
Delani and her upcoming dental date.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
Potato Soup