We are a big fan of audio books in our house and even though audio adventure dramas aren't technically an audio book they are a lot of fun to listen to. Lately we were sent The Brinkman Adventures Season 2: Episodes 13-24 from The Brinkman Adventures.

The Brinkman Adventures Season 2 are stories based on the lives of modern missionaries and true events. These audio dramas are recommended for all ages though several programs did recommend that a parent be present for children under 10. These stories are interwoven with other elements that are dramatized. Season 2 takes the listener to Mexico, France, Africa, and China. The episodes include:
- The Mystery Ring
- Blue Hat and T-shirt Bible
- How Big is Your God - Part1
- How Big is Your God - Part 2
- Mexico by Bus
- Treehouse Academy
- Pirates of Mayan Island
- Sapphire Slave - Part 1
- Sapphire Slave - Part 2
- Hadi's Choice
- Castle of Secrets
- On the Run
Caleb said he enjoyed the stories. His favorite episode was the Blue Hat and T-shirt Bible. Chantry thought they were "pretty good", but he didn't really have a favorite story. Destini liked them, but thought some of the later episodes were "kinda depressing."
I had to swipe one of the kid's mp3 players to listen to them and I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed the stories. I loved hearing the stories of the missionaries and all the fun and fascinating adventures that took place. Later I went to the website and read about the real stories behind each episode.
If I had any complaint it was that I came into Season 2 without any background from the previous season. There were moments in different stories that I felt I was missing something that probably had been told in Season 1. My kids also noticed that during the break in each episode that their "advertisements" (Bible verses or encouraging words) were very similar to another popular audio drama that is on the market.
One of my children naively commented that the Sapphire Slave dramas were very suspenseful, but put the story down to fiction. I had to point out to them that the drama was written to show that slavery is alive and well in our world. This has made me determined that once we get settled in I am going to have my ideal world and sit down with my kids and re-listen to these dramas together as a family so we can talk about these stories and then go and read about the real stories.
I highly recommend these audio dramas. They are fun, filled with adventure and yet they reveal the power of God as ordinary people work to spread the gospel over the world. Highly recommended!
The Brinkman Adventures Season 2: Episodes 13-24 are available at The Brinkman Adventures as a download or in CD format.
Digital download - $17.00 (suggested donation)
4 CDs - $25.00 (suggested donation) + Free shipping
Brinkman Adventure's social media links:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Brinkman-Adventures/152895116079