While thinking of a word to focus on for 2014 every idea I kept coming up with could be summed up in the word "time"--a word I don't really care for. So why focus on it, you may ask?
This year I want to focus on two different aspects of time. The first is using my time wisely. My oldest recently turned 18 years old and it really drove it home for me how quickly time passes. I have struggled the last few years trying to use the time I have been given efficiently and feel that I can really improve in this area.
I want to use my time wisely and focus on these areas:
- Devotions
- Home management
- Preparing my son's transcript (Yes, I know I should have started that a loooong time ago.)
- Organizing photos
- Scheduling time to sew
So while I working on using my time efficiently my biggest focus for this year is to wait for God's time and to put my trust in Him instead of fretting and worrying about when His time is going to come.
He has made everything beautiful in its time. Ecclesiastes 3:11a
See more at the Schoolhouse Review Crew blog.