Shakespeare anyone?
In my life this week…
Monday started off with a visit from the exterminator. Over the weekend the ant again decided that my kitchen is their favorite place. They had gotten in the pantry and were in a brand new, sealed bag of brown sugar, open packages of crackers and then they decided my kitchen counter looked like something they needed to check out.
On Tuesday, I had to get myself and the kids up early so I could go the doctor. I needed my allergy medicine renewed, which required a visit to the doctor's office. Then I've had to go through a big mess trying to get it filled at Rite-Aid. I really just want to go back to Walgreens, where I was very happy. Why do insurance companies have to mess with things? After my doctor's appointment we headed off to the get the boys' haircut, for which they were very excited. Then we headed to the library where they patiently waited for their dad to pick them up, while I worked.
Thursday evening was spent at home instead of church. The wind had picked up and we weren't sure what would happen. The last wind storm we had knocked trees over everywhere.
On Friday, Shade took the kids to our church's Youth Convention. Since he had a full van, Chantry, Delani and I stayed home. I made them brownies and bought them a two liter of strawberry pop and we had our own little party at home.
In my attempt to be organized in my shopping trips this week, I ended up doing more running around than normal. I think I won't attempt that anymore or I need to re-think how I do things.
In our homeschool this week…
We started up our Term 3 last week and let me tell you it was like pulling hen's teeth! Thankfully, this week was much better. This just shows me that we (or maybe I) would be terrible year round schoolers since I can't handle more than three weeks of trying to get the kids back on their routines.
This week we were able to start up our Shakespeare reading of The Merchant of Venice
Caleb has started All American History and we are beefing it up with a lot of literature and biographies. He has finished Rise to Rebellion: A Novel of the American Revolution
Destini has started typing with Type It. She has done her share of complaining, but I don't think she hates it as much as she would like me to believe.
Chantry and Destini have a new history read, The Landing of the Pilgrims (Landmark Books)
We are studying Jean Honere Fragonard for our new artist study and Felix Mendelssohn for our composer study.
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
I mentioned this before, but I think it is worth mentioning again. Xtramath--a great math drill program! Check it out.
I am inspired by…
Have you watched the "180" movie? Very touching! Check it out here.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
Outside of errands and our jaunt to Portland for the doctor and haircuts, we have been pretty home bound.
My favorite thing this week was…
After telling Delani she was too big to stand on one of my decorative boxes, she announced, "But Mom, I am a big girl because I have big feet!"
Things I’m working on…
Helping Destini to sew her first crib quilt and I am also hoping to make her and Delani something new for Easter. I know, I had better get going!
I’m reading…
Check out my Reading Journal for this past week.
I’m cooking…
Homemade pizza, potato soup, and brownies with extra chocolate chips added.
I’m praying for…
My friends!
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
While I was trying to take a picture of our Shakespeare group, Destini kept busting out laughing. For this pose I just zoomed in on her and waited for it to happen.
Here is just a small group of our ant invasion. Needless to say, ants are not very appreciated in our house!
