Chantry enjoying our beautiful weather on Monday while doing spelling.
In my life this week…
This week started off with absolutely beautiful weather--80 degrees on Monday. The kids spent a lot of time outside playing and even doing school work outside.
Tuesday the weather went back to typical Oregon weather--overcast, cold, and rainy. I headed to work at the library and took the girls with me, since they love scouring the library for books and DVDs.
I thought I would have the evening off on Wednesday, but we have an opportunity to rent our own church building (we are currently sharing with another church) so we spend the evening looking at the building. Poor Chantry was so disappointed since I had told him we would go get his baseball gear.
Thursday after the kids had most of the school work done, I took them to McDonalds and got them a drink. Caleb watched Destini and Chantry in the Playland, while Destini and I did her Beautiful Girlhood books. We then headed to Big 5 and Chantry finally got his baseball pants and a belt. Caleb came out with new batting gloves. They were both very happy. Then I went to Ross' which is a dangerous place to shop in at times.
Friday was the first game for baseball, and I had some pretty anxious boys since it kept raining. It did clear up a little bit and they got to play their games and I only got drizzled on a little bit. Chantry is playing with the 9-12 year olds now which is a new experience. I thought last year was stressful to watch, but this was a whole new ball game! Chantry also got to pitch for the first time. He did a really good job.
As much as I love my boys playing baseball I find it such a struggle to be inspired over dinner and have it on the table, eaten, and cleaned before 4:30 pm. I am doing it, though my brain is worn out.
In our homeschool this week…
We are getting ready for the kids to attend ACTS Student Convention, so we spent some time working ahead. I would really like to stay on schedule as much as possible so we aren't working too late in the summer.
Caleb finished
William Bradford: Plymouth's Faithful Pilgrim
by Gary D. Schmidt and
A Taste of Chaucer
by Anne Malcolmson. I had him focus on these books instead of working on science. I think this will free up some of his day and give him a little bit more time.
With Destini and Chantry we did a lot of reading in
The Jungle Books 
by Rudyard Kipling and
The Jungle Books 
by James Daugherty, which is Chantry's favorite book this term.
Destini finshed her
Language Lessons for the Elementary Child 2. She is very happy.
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
I really enjoyed this post "
Owning an Authentic Homeschool Life You Love" by Barb at
Harmony Art Mom.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
Baseball & more baseball!
My favorite thing this week was…
Watching Chantry pitch at his very first game and doing a great job!
What’s working/not working for us…
I picked
George Washington and the Founding of a Nation (PB)
for a biography for Caleb to read, but he is not enjoying it. I am going to have him finish it, but I feel bad it wasn't more interesting for him.
Questions/thoughts I have…
Language Arts for Chantry--we are finishing up First Language Lesson (the old edition), but he don't seem to be retaining it. So do I continue with
First Language Lessons 3
or look for something else.
Things I’m working on…
I've been overseeing Destini while she is working on her quilt/baby blanket. Today we went to a friend's house and she showed us how to make a binding. Destini is now working on hand stitching it. We will spend the next couple of days working on a scrapbook page for her to submit.
I’m reading…

I’m cooking…
Food that doesn't take a lot of time to prepare!
I’m grateful for…
For life! I was reminded today to focus on the big things and not to let myself be so controlled by the little things that cause stress.
I’m praying for…
Next week when we attend the convention. Destini is extremely nervous about doing her puppet show. She hates getting up in front of people. Mostly I am praying that my kids learn about the importance of ministry, even if it is doing a puppet show.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
Both boys pitched during their first baseball game.