It has been a long time since I have posted A Homeschool Mother's Journal. Life has been busy, but in a good way. Another reason is that I have gotten really bad about taking pictures. My phone has about used up all of its storage and I'm too cheap to pay for extra storage so right now I am hindered in my photo taking since it usually my phone that is at hand rather than the camera. Now I have something to work on.
We completed our 9th week of school and it is going smoothly. Even after the first four weeks I felt there were going to a few things that we were going to have to drop and except for one book everything all of sudden just seemed to fall into place. Here is a run down of what has been happening:
1. & 2. Back in September we took an impromptu field trip to take a tour of a B-17 Flying Fortress. The girls and I walked through once, but the boys went through it at least three times. One thing we discovered is that it is not very big inside.
3. Chantry working on his dictation for Spelling You See American Spirit.
4. We canned 24 quarts of applesauce. I still have some more apples that I need to do.
5. I tried my hand at apple butter, since it is something my husband likes. I was lazy and froze it.
6. We have had a very mild fall (Thank you, Jesus!) and my pots of flowers are still very green and blooming. I took this picture last week of my Gerber daisy and it actually has more blooms than it did all summer long.
7. We have hit on a new tradition on Friday mornings--Cream of Wheat. Usually everyone has to fend for themselves for breakfast, but I made Cream of Wheat one morning early in the school year and now the kids expect it on Fridays.
8. You can't see Delani very well in this picture, but she is dying laughing. She was doing math with Caleb and they found something hilarious. I love that she gets to do this with her big brother--another great benefit of homeschooling.
9. My kids love to play games and lately it has been the game CHRONOLOGY
(aff). Here Destini is beating the socks of all of us.