I recently had the opportunity to review the Grammar Workbook from Brookdale House. This workbook which is for middle school and older offers grammar and composition exercises for students that are ready to move on to more advanced grammar and writing.
This workbook covers the eight parts of speech and problem verbs, clauses and phrases and how they function, and the basics of punctuation. There are also sentence and paragraph writing included along with the option of adding an additional workbook, Diagraming Sentences
The introduction explains the different sections of the book and how they are used. There is also an schedule laid on how to implement the book. The schedule is laid out for a five day week. Most of the weeks did have a small portion schedule for everyday with a few days off here and there. If you choose not to use the Diagraming Sentences
The grammar lessons are short and the work involved is not overwhelming. Each lesson starts off with learning a new grammar concept followed by putting the concept into practice. It then leads into the writing instruction which covers two types of assignments. The first involves the student composing their own sentences and paragraphs. The second involves the student learning to imitate the style of the sentences. This can be done in several ways--through copywork, dictation, recreating the sentence, or rewriting the sentence changing the content but keeping the style.
We worked through this the best that can be done during summer break. I chose to skip the diagramming exercises. I really believe that the Grammar Workbook would provide great review for a student who has had solid teaching in grammar. If they have only learned a few parts of speech then this may not offer enough repetition to solidify what is being taught. If anything stood out to me was the imitation writing exercises. I think these exercises are great especially for a child who really struggles with writing and needs a little push to branch out. I worked through many of these myself and felt challenged many times.
The Grammar Workbook is available at Brookdale House and is offered in ebook ($20.95) or printed ($25.95) book format. Also available is the Grammar Workbook Answer Key which includes answers for the grammar sections. This is available in ebook ($8.95) or print ($13.95). Head on over to Brookdale House to find out more information about the Grammar Workbook and see samples.
Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this product Brookdale House in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write an honest review, not was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC regulations.
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