In my life this week…
My parents headed home on Tuesday, so life slowly returned to normal. I was really worn out and slept in a couple of mornings. I am really getting weary of this very indecisive weather we are having. I have lived in Oregon for almost 8 years so I should be used to it, but all I want is a little warmth and to put my winter clothes away!
In our homeschool this week…
We really didn't do much school. The kids started back up doing math and finishing some odds and ends that were left unfinished. I also tried to get Chantry and Destini's science finished up for the year, but still have one small section to read before we stop for the year.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
The boys had baseball practice on Monday and were looking forward to playing their first game, but unfortunately the game was rained out (2nd week in a row).
On Saturday, Destini and I went to our local craft store for the National Scrapbook Day. We went to different work stations and made a chipboard book. I won a whole pack of paper, which I think I'll give to Destini since she loves working with paper.
My favorite thing this week was…
Having a Girl's Day with my daughter.
What’s working/not working for us…
Caleb has 2-3 more sessions with H.E.L.P. I am doing a happy dance! This has been something he really needed, but so very time consuming!
Homeschool questions/thoughts I have…
I am starting to think ahead about what we will be doing next year. I have several books I want to read before next school year. They include:
The Writer's Jungle
Everyday Genius by Peter Kline
Ten Way to Destroy the Imagination of Your Child by Anthony Esolen
Lessons at Blackberry Inn by Karen Andreola
I know I have more, but this is what I am aiming for.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
All ready for church: Caleb, Grandma & Delani
Swinging with Papa!
Good-bye Grandma & Papa! (Delani refused to look at the camera. The joys of a 3 year old!)
See more at The Homeschool Chick.
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