Thursday, March 29, 2007
"Mom, I'm feeling better."
Destini and Chantry have came down with a spring cold. Last night while Chantry was enjoying his bedtime snack his dad asked him if he was feeling better. His response was affirmative, but then he got excited and turned to me and said, "Mom, I'm feeling better. My cough is better and my sniffer is better!"
Monday, March 19, 2007
Entering a new term for school!
Today we will be starting Term 3 of Ambleside Online Year 2. Here is a breakdown of what we will be doing the next 12 weeks.
Week 25
Bible Reading - Portions of O.T. and N.T., 5x week
World History - A Child's History of the World (CHOW), Chapters 58-59, Narration (N)
History/Biography - Joan of Arc, pp. 5-6, oral (N)
Geography - He Went with Marco Polo (Marco Polo), 6-7 pages, mapwork, (N)
Natural History - Pagoo, Chapter 5
Poetry - Christina Rossetti, a poem every day
Literature - Shakespeare, MacBeth, Charles & Mary Lamb Shakespeare for Children
Literature - Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 67-69, (N)
Literature - The Adventures of Robin Hood (Robin Hood), 3 chapters
Dictation - Spelling Wisdom, 5x a week
Copywork - Selections from readings, 5x a week
English - Winston Grammar, 4x a week
Math - Math U See, Delta, 4x week, drills, 5x week
Artist Study - Pieter Bruegel, Children's Games
Composer Study - Antonio Vivaldi, Four Seasons - Spring
Folk Song - Wee Sing Fun 'n Folk, "Bought Me a Cat"
Hymn - "The Old Rugged Cross"
Recitation - Linguistic Development through Poetry Memorization, "There Was an Old Person Whose Habits" , review of past poems
Bible Memory - Psalms 119:9-16
Additional Reading - (These books will take the rest of the term to finish)
-Otto of the Silver Hand (currently reading)
-Anderson's Fairy Tales (currently reading)
-A Wonder Book for Girls and Boys
-Along Came a Dog
Week 26
Bible Reading - Portions of O.T. and N.T., 5x week
World History - Our Island Story (OIS), Chapter 51, CHOW - Chapter 60, (N)
Church History - Trial and Triumph, Chapter 16
History/Biography - Joan of Arc, pp. 7-8, (N)
Geography - Marco Polo 6-7 pages, map work, (N)
Natural History - Pagoo, Chapter 6
Poetry - Christina Rossetti, a poem every day
Literature - Shakespeare, MacBeth, Beautiful Stories for Children, 1/4 of story
Literature - Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 70-71, (N)
Literature - Robin Hood, 2 Chapters
Dictation - 5x a week
Copywork - 5x a week
English -4x week
Math - 4x week, drills - 5x a week
Artist Study - Bruegel, Children's Games
Composer Study - Vivaldi, Four Seasons - Spring
Folksong - "Bought Me a Cat"
Hymn - "The Old Rugged Cross"
Recitation - "There Was an Old Person Whose Habits", recite aloud, review past poems
Bible Memory - Psalms 119:9-16
Addition Reading - see week 25
Week - 27
Bible Reading - Portions of O.T. and N.T., 5x week
World History - OIS, Chapters 52-53, (N)
History/Biography - Joan of Arc, pp. 9-12, (N)
Geography - Marco Polo, 6-7 pages, map work, (N)
Natural History - Pagoo, Chapter 7
Poetry - Christina Rossetti, a poem every day
Literature - MacBeth, 1/4 story
Literature - Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 72-74, (N)
Literature - Robin Hood, 2 Chapters
Dictation - 5x a week
Copywork - 5x week
English - 4x a week
Math - 4x week, drills - 5x week
Artist Study - Bruegel, The Tower of Babel
Composer Study - Vivaldi, The Four Seasons - Spring
Folksong - "Bought Me a Cat"
Hymn - "The Old Rugged Cross"
Recitation - "Jonathan Bing", review past poems
Bible Memory - Psalms 119:9-16
Week - 28
Bible Reading - Portions of O.T. and N.T., 5x week
World History - CHOW, Chapter 61, (N)
History/Biography - Joan of Arc, pp. 13-14, (N)
Geography - Marco Polo 6-7 pages, map work, (N)
Natural History - Pagoo, Chapter 8
Poetry - Christina Rossetti, a poem every day
Literature - Shakespeare, MacBeth, 1/4 story
Literature - Parables from Nature (PFN), "Motes in the Sunbeam", listen/read along, (N)
Literature - Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 75-76, (N)
Literature - Robin Hood, 2 Chapters
Dictation - 5x a week
Copywork - 5x week
English - 4x a week
Math - 4x week, drills - 5x week
Artist Study - Bruegel, The Tower of Babel
Composer Study - Vivaldi, The Four Seasons - Summer
Folksong - "Bought Me a Cat"
Hymn - "The Old Rugged Cross"
Recitation - "Jonathan Bing", review past poems
Bible Memory - Psalms 119:9-16
Additional Reading - see Week 25
Week - 29
Bible Reading - Portions of O.T. and N.T., 5x week
World History - OIS, Chapter 54-55, (N)
History/Biography - Joan of Arc, pp. 15-18, (N)
Geography - Marco Polo 6-7 pages, map work, (N)
Natural History - Pagoo, Chapter 9
Poetry - Christina Rossetti, a poem every day
Literature - Shakespeare, MacBeth, 1/4 story
Literature - Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 77-79, (N)
Literature - Robin Hood, 2 Chapters
Dictation - 5x a week
Copywork - 5x week
English - 4x a week
Math - 4x week, drills - 5x week
Artist Study - Bruegel, Harvesters
Composer Study - Vivaldi, The Four Seasons - Summer
Folksong - "Bought Me a Cat"
Hymn - "The Old Rugged Cross"
Recitation - "Jonathan Bing", review past poems
Bible Memory - Psalms 119:9-16
Additional Reading - see Week 25
Week - 30
Bible Reading - Portions of O.T. and N.T., 5x week
World History - OIS, Chapter 56-57, (N)
Church History - Trial & Triumph, Chapter 17
History/Biography - Joan of Arc, pp. 19-20, (N)
Geography - Marco Polo 6-7 pages, map work, (N)
Natural History - Pagoo, Chapter 10-11
Poetry - Christina Rossetti, a poem every day
Literature - Shakespeare, MacBeth, Stories from Shakespeare - audio
Literature - Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 80-81, (N)
Literature - Robin Hood, 2 Chapters
Dictation - 5x a week Copywork - 5x week
English - 4x a week
Math - 4x week, drills - 5x week
Artist Study - Bruegel, Harvesters
Composer Study - Vivaldi, The Four Seasons - Review Spring & Summer
Folksong - "Bought Me a Cat"
Hymn - "The Old Rugged Cross"
Recitation - "Jonathan Bing", recite poem, review past poems
Bible Memory - Psalms 119:9-16
Additional Reading - see Week 25
Week - 31
Bible Reading - Portions of O.T. and N.T., 5x week
World History - OIS, Chapter 58-59, (N)
History/Biography - Joan of Arc, pp. 21-24, (N)
Geography - Marco Polo 6-7 pages, map work, (N)
Natural History - Pagoo, Chapter 12-13
Poetry - Christina Rossetti, a poem every day
Literature - Shakespeare, The Comedy of Errors, Shakespeare for the Ears - audio
Literature - Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 82-83, (N)
Literature - Robin Hood, 2 Chapters, (WN)
Dictation - 5x a week
Copywork - 5x week
English - 4x a week
Math - 4x week, drills - 5x week
Artist Study - Bruegel, Winter Landscape with a Bird Trap
Composer Study - Vivaldi, The Four Seasons - Autumn
Folksong - "Polly Wolly Doodle"
Hymn - "I'll Fly Away"
Recitation - "Whole Duty of Children", review past poems
Bible Memory - Psalms 119:9-16
Additional Reading - see Week 25
Week - 32
Bible Reading - Portions of O.T. and N.T., 5x week
World History - OIS, Chapter 60-61, (N)
History/Biography - Joan of Arc, pp. 25-26, (N)
Geography - Marco Polo 6-7 pages, map work, (N)
Natural History - Pagoo, Chapter 14-15
Poetry - Christina Rossetti, a poem every day
Literature - Shakespeare, The Comedy of Errors, Tales from Shakespeare, 1/5 story
Literature - PFN, "Red Snow", listen/read along, (N)
Literature - Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 84-85, (N)
Literature - Robin Hood, 2 Chapters
Dictation - 5x a week
Copywork - 5x week
English - 4x a week
Math - 4x week, drills - 5x week
Artist Study - Bruegel, Winter Landscape with a Bird Trap
Composer Study - Vivaldi, The Four Seasons - Autumn
Folksong - "Polly Wolly Doodle"
Hymn - "I'll Fly Away"
Recitation - "Whole Duty of Children", recite, review past poems
Bible Memory - Psalms 119:9-16
Additional Reading - see Week 25
Week - 33
Bible Reading - Portions of O.T. and N.T., 5x week
American History - This Country of Ours (TCOO), Chapter 2 (N)
History/Biography - Joan of Arc, pp. 27-30, (N)
Geography - Marco Polo 6-7 pages, map work, (N)
Natural History - Pagoo, Chapter 16
Poetry - Christina Rossetti, a poem every day
Literature - Shakespeare, The Comedy of Errors, Tales from Shakespeare, 1/5 story
Literature - Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 86-87, (N)
Literature - Robin Hood, 2 Chapters
Dictation - 5x a week
Copywork - 5x week
English - 4x a week
Math - 4x week, drills - 5x week
Artist Study - Bruegel, The Peasant Dance
Composer Study - Vivaldi, The Four Seasons - Review Spring, Summer & Autumn
Folksong - "Polly Wolly Doodle"
Hymn - "I'll Fly Away"
Recitation - "Godfrey Gordon Gustavus Gore", review past poems
Bible Memory - Psalms 119:9-16
Additional Reading - see Week 25
Week - 34
Bible Reading - Portions of O.T. and N.T., 5x week
American History - TCOO, Chapter 3 (N)
Church History - Trial & Triumph, Chapter 18
History/Biography - Joan of Arc, pp. 31-32, (N)
Geography - Marco Polo 6-7 pages, map work, (N)
Natural History - Pagoo, Chapter 17-18
Poetry - Christina Rossetti, a poem every day
Literature - Shakespeare, The Comedy of Errors, Tales from Shakespeare, 1/5 story
Literature - Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 88-89, (N)
Literature - Robin Hood, 2 Chapters
Dictation - 5x a week
Copywork - 5x week
English - 4x a week
Math - 4x week, drills - 5x week
Artist Study - Bruegel, The Peasant Dance
Composer Study - Vivaldi, The Four Seasons - Winter
Folksong - "Polly Wolly Doodle"
Hymn - "I'll Fly Away"
Recitation - "Godfrey Gordon Gustavus Gore", review past poems
Bible Memory - Psalms 119:9-16
Additional Reading - see Week 25
Week - 35
Bible Reading - Portions of O.T. and N.T., 5x week American
History - TCOO, Chapter 4 (N)
History/Biography - Joan of Arc, pp. 33-36, (N)
Geography - Marco Polo 6-7 pages, map work, (N)
Natural History - Pagoo, Chapter 19
Poetry - Christina Rossetti, a poem every day
Literature - Shakespeare, The Comedy of Errors, Tales from Shakespeare, 1/5 story
Literature - Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 90-91, (N)
Literature - Robin Hood, 2 Chapters
Dictation - 5x a week Copywork - 5x week
English - 4x a week
Math - 4x week, drills - 5x week
Artist Study - Bruegel, Peasant Wedding
Composer Study - Vivaldi, The Four Seasons - Winter
Folksong - "Polly Wolly Doodle"
Hymn - "I'll Fly Away"
Recitation - "Godfrey Gordon Gustavus Gore", review past poems
Bible Memory - Psalms 119:9-16
Additional Reading - see Week 25
Week - 36
Bible Reading - Portions of O.T. and N.T., 5x week
American History - TCOO, Chapter 5, (N)
History/Biography - Joan of Arc, pp. 37-38, (N)
Geography - Marco Polo 6-7 pages, map work, (N)
Natural History - Pagoo, Chapter 20
Poetry - Christina Rossetti, a poem every day
Literature - Shakespeare, The Comedy of Errors, Tales from Shakespeare, 1/5 story
Literature - PFN, "Where unto?", listen/read along (N)
Literature - Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 92-93, (N)
Literature - Robin Hood, 2 Chapters
Dictation - 5x a week Copywork - 5x week
English - 4x a week
Math - 4x week, drills - 5x week
Artist Study - Bruegel, Peasant Wedding
Composer Study - Vivaldi, The Four Seasons - Review Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
Folksong - "Polly Wolly Doodle"
Hymn - "I'll Fly Away"
Recitation - "Godfrey Gordon Gustavus Gore", recite, review past poems
Bible Memory - Psalms 119:9-16, recite
Additional Reading - see Week 25
Week 25
Bible Reading - Portions of O.T. and N.T., 5x week
World History - A Child's History of the World (CHOW), Chapters 58-59, Narration (N)
History/Biography - Joan of Arc, pp. 5-6, oral (N)
Geography - He Went with Marco Polo (Marco Polo), 6-7 pages, mapwork, (N)
Natural History - Pagoo, Chapter 5
Poetry - Christina Rossetti, a poem every day
Literature - Shakespeare, MacBeth, Charles & Mary Lamb Shakespeare for Children
Literature - Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 67-69, (N)
Literature - The Adventures of Robin Hood (Robin Hood), 3 chapters
Dictation - Spelling Wisdom, 5x a week
Copywork - Selections from readings, 5x a week
English - Winston Grammar, 4x a week
Math - Math U See, Delta, 4x week, drills, 5x week
Artist Study - Pieter Bruegel, Children's Games
Composer Study - Antonio Vivaldi, Four Seasons - Spring
Folk Song - Wee Sing Fun 'n Folk, "Bought Me a Cat"
Hymn - "The Old Rugged Cross"
Recitation - Linguistic Development through Poetry Memorization, "There Was an Old Person Whose Habits" , review of past poems
Bible Memory - Psalms 119:9-16
Additional Reading - (These books will take the rest of the term to finish)
-Otto of the Silver Hand (currently reading)
-Anderson's Fairy Tales (currently reading)
-A Wonder Book for Girls and Boys
-Along Came a Dog
Week 26
Bible Reading - Portions of O.T. and N.T., 5x week
World History - Our Island Story (OIS), Chapter 51, CHOW - Chapter 60, (N)
Church History - Trial and Triumph, Chapter 16
History/Biography - Joan of Arc, pp. 7-8, (N)
Geography - Marco Polo 6-7 pages, map work, (N)
Natural History - Pagoo, Chapter 6
Poetry - Christina Rossetti, a poem every day
Literature - Shakespeare, MacBeth, Beautiful Stories for Children, 1/4 of story
Literature - Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 70-71, (N)
Literature - Robin Hood, 2 Chapters
Dictation - 5x a week
Copywork - 5x a week
English -4x week
Math - 4x week, drills - 5x a week
Artist Study - Bruegel, Children's Games
Composer Study - Vivaldi, Four Seasons - Spring
Folksong - "Bought Me a Cat"
Hymn - "The Old Rugged Cross"
Recitation - "There Was an Old Person Whose Habits", recite aloud, review past poems
Bible Memory - Psalms 119:9-16
Addition Reading - see week 25
Week - 27
Bible Reading - Portions of O.T. and N.T., 5x week
World History - OIS, Chapters 52-53, (N)
History/Biography - Joan of Arc, pp. 9-12, (N)
Geography - Marco Polo, 6-7 pages, map work, (N)
Natural History - Pagoo, Chapter 7
Poetry - Christina Rossetti, a poem every day
Literature - MacBeth, 1/4 story
Literature - Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 72-74, (N)
Literature - Robin Hood, 2 Chapters
Dictation - 5x a week
Copywork - 5x week
English - 4x a week
Math - 4x week, drills - 5x week
Artist Study - Bruegel, The Tower of Babel
Composer Study - Vivaldi, The Four Seasons - Spring
Folksong - "Bought Me a Cat"
Hymn - "The Old Rugged Cross"
Recitation - "Jonathan Bing", review past poems
Bible Memory - Psalms 119:9-16
Week - 28
Bible Reading - Portions of O.T. and N.T., 5x week
World History - CHOW, Chapter 61, (N)
History/Biography - Joan of Arc, pp. 13-14, (N)
Geography - Marco Polo 6-7 pages, map work, (N)
Natural History - Pagoo, Chapter 8
Poetry - Christina Rossetti, a poem every day
Literature - Shakespeare, MacBeth, 1/4 story
Literature - Parables from Nature (PFN), "Motes in the Sunbeam", listen/read along, (N)
Literature - Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 75-76, (N)
Literature - Robin Hood, 2 Chapters
Dictation - 5x a week
Copywork - 5x week
English - 4x a week
Math - 4x week, drills - 5x week
Artist Study - Bruegel, The Tower of Babel
Composer Study - Vivaldi, The Four Seasons - Summer
Folksong - "Bought Me a Cat"
Hymn - "The Old Rugged Cross"
Recitation - "Jonathan Bing", review past poems
Bible Memory - Psalms 119:9-16
Additional Reading - see Week 25
Week - 29
Bible Reading - Portions of O.T. and N.T., 5x week
World History - OIS, Chapter 54-55, (N)
History/Biography - Joan of Arc, pp. 15-18, (N)
Geography - Marco Polo 6-7 pages, map work, (N)
Natural History - Pagoo, Chapter 9
Poetry - Christina Rossetti, a poem every day
Literature - Shakespeare, MacBeth, 1/4 story
Literature - Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 77-79, (N)
Literature - Robin Hood, 2 Chapters
Dictation - 5x a week
Copywork - 5x week
English - 4x a week
Math - 4x week, drills - 5x week
Artist Study - Bruegel, Harvesters
Composer Study - Vivaldi, The Four Seasons - Summer
Folksong - "Bought Me a Cat"
Hymn - "The Old Rugged Cross"
Recitation - "Jonathan Bing", review past poems
Bible Memory - Psalms 119:9-16
Additional Reading - see Week 25
Week - 30
Bible Reading - Portions of O.T. and N.T., 5x week
World History - OIS, Chapter 56-57, (N)
Church History - Trial & Triumph, Chapter 17
History/Biography - Joan of Arc, pp. 19-20, (N)
Geography - Marco Polo 6-7 pages, map work, (N)
Natural History - Pagoo, Chapter 10-11
Poetry - Christina Rossetti, a poem every day
Literature - Shakespeare, MacBeth, Stories from Shakespeare - audio
Literature - Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 80-81, (N)
Literature - Robin Hood, 2 Chapters
Dictation - 5x a week Copywork - 5x week
English - 4x a week
Math - 4x week, drills - 5x week
Artist Study - Bruegel, Harvesters
Composer Study - Vivaldi, The Four Seasons - Review Spring & Summer
Folksong - "Bought Me a Cat"
Hymn - "The Old Rugged Cross"
Recitation - "Jonathan Bing", recite poem, review past poems
Bible Memory - Psalms 119:9-16
Additional Reading - see Week 25
Week - 31
Bible Reading - Portions of O.T. and N.T., 5x week
World History - OIS, Chapter 58-59, (N)
History/Biography - Joan of Arc, pp. 21-24, (N)
Geography - Marco Polo 6-7 pages, map work, (N)
Natural History - Pagoo, Chapter 12-13
Poetry - Christina Rossetti, a poem every day
Literature - Shakespeare, The Comedy of Errors, Shakespeare for the Ears - audio
Literature - Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 82-83, (N)
Literature - Robin Hood, 2 Chapters, (WN)
Dictation - 5x a week
Copywork - 5x week
English - 4x a week
Math - 4x week, drills - 5x week
Artist Study - Bruegel, Winter Landscape with a Bird Trap
Composer Study - Vivaldi, The Four Seasons - Autumn
Folksong - "Polly Wolly Doodle"
Hymn - "I'll Fly Away"
Recitation - "Whole Duty of Children", review past poems
Bible Memory - Psalms 119:9-16
Additional Reading - see Week 25
Week - 32
Bible Reading - Portions of O.T. and N.T., 5x week
World History - OIS, Chapter 60-61, (N)
History/Biography - Joan of Arc, pp. 25-26, (N)
Geography - Marco Polo 6-7 pages, map work, (N)
Natural History - Pagoo, Chapter 14-15
Poetry - Christina Rossetti, a poem every day
Literature - Shakespeare, The Comedy of Errors, Tales from Shakespeare, 1/5 story
Literature - PFN, "Red Snow", listen/read along, (N)
Literature - Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 84-85, (N)
Literature - Robin Hood, 2 Chapters
Dictation - 5x a week
Copywork - 5x week
English - 4x a week
Math - 4x week, drills - 5x week
Artist Study - Bruegel, Winter Landscape with a Bird Trap
Composer Study - Vivaldi, The Four Seasons - Autumn
Folksong - "Polly Wolly Doodle"
Hymn - "I'll Fly Away"
Recitation - "Whole Duty of Children", recite, review past poems
Bible Memory - Psalms 119:9-16
Additional Reading - see Week 25
Week - 33
Bible Reading - Portions of O.T. and N.T., 5x week
American History - This Country of Ours (TCOO), Chapter 2 (N)
History/Biography - Joan of Arc, pp. 27-30, (N)
Geography - Marco Polo 6-7 pages, map work, (N)
Natural History - Pagoo, Chapter 16
Poetry - Christina Rossetti, a poem every day
Literature - Shakespeare, The Comedy of Errors, Tales from Shakespeare, 1/5 story
Literature - Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 86-87, (N)
Literature - Robin Hood, 2 Chapters
Dictation - 5x a week
Copywork - 5x week
English - 4x a week
Math - 4x week, drills - 5x week
Artist Study - Bruegel, The Peasant Dance
Composer Study - Vivaldi, The Four Seasons - Review Spring, Summer & Autumn
Folksong - "Polly Wolly Doodle"
Hymn - "I'll Fly Away"
Recitation - "Godfrey Gordon Gustavus Gore", review past poems
Bible Memory - Psalms 119:9-16
Additional Reading - see Week 25
Week - 34
Bible Reading - Portions of O.T. and N.T., 5x week
American History - TCOO, Chapter 3 (N)
Church History - Trial & Triumph, Chapter 18
History/Biography - Joan of Arc, pp. 31-32, (N)
Geography - Marco Polo 6-7 pages, map work, (N)
Natural History - Pagoo, Chapter 17-18
Poetry - Christina Rossetti, a poem every day
Literature - Shakespeare, The Comedy of Errors, Tales from Shakespeare, 1/5 story
Literature - Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 88-89, (N)
Literature - Robin Hood, 2 Chapters
Dictation - 5x a week
Copywork - 5x week
English - 4x a week
Math - 4x week, drills - 5x week
Artist Study - Bruegel, The Peasant Dance
Composer Study - Vivaldi, The Four Seasons - Winter
Folksong - "Polly Wolly Doodle"
Hymn - "I'll Fly Away"
Recitation - "Godfrey Gordon Gustavus Gore", review past poems
Bible Memory - Psalms 119:9-16
Additional Reading - see Week 25
Week - 35
Bible Reading - Portions of O.T. and N.T., 5x week American
History - TCOO, Chapter 4 (N)
History/Biography - Joan of Arc, pp. 33-36, (N)
Geography - Marco Polo 6-7 pages, map work, (N)
Natural History - Pagoo, Chapter 19
Poetry - Christina Rossetti, a poem every day
Literature - Shakespeare, The Comedy of Errors, Tales from Shakespeare, 1/5 story
Literature - Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 90-91, (N)
Literature - Robin Hood, 2 Chapters
Dictation - 5x a week Copywork - 5x week
English - 4x a week
Math - 4x week, drills - 5x week
Artist Study - Bruegel, Peasant Wedding
Composer Study - Vivaldi, The Four Seasons - Winter
Folksong - "Polly Wolly Doodle"
Hymn - "I'll Fly Away"
Recitation - "Godfrey Gordon Gustavus Gore", review past poems
Bible Memory - Psalms 119:9-16
Additional Reading - see Week 25
Week - 36
Bible Reading - Portions of O.T. and N.T., 5x week
American History - TCOO, Chapter 5, (N)
History/Biography - Joan of Arc, pp. 37-38, (N)
Geography - Marco Polo 6-7 pages, map work, (N)
Natural History - Pagoo, Chapter 20
Poetry - Christina Rossetti, a poem every day
Literature - Shakespeare, The Comedy of Errors, Tales from Shakespeare, 1/5 story
Literature - PFN, "Where unto?", listen/read along (N)
Literature - Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 92-93, (N)
Literature - Robin Hood, 2 Chapters
Dictation - 5x a week Copywork - 5x week
English - 4x a week
Math - 4x week, drills - 5x week
Artist Study - Bruegel, Peasant Wedding
Composer Study - Vivaldi, The Four Seasons - Review Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
Folksong - "Polly Wolly Doodle"
Hymn - "I'll Fly Away"
Recitation - "Godfrey Gordon Gustavus Gore", recite, review past poems
Bible Memory - Psalms 119:9-16, recite
Additional Reading - see Week 25
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Beautiful Weather!!!

Over the weekend and through yesterday we had beautiful weather! Monday and Tuesday the kids spent most of the days outside enjoying the sunshine. The picture above shows Chantry practising his batting. But spring is just teasing us because today it has rained all day! That doesn't mean spring is coming - my eyes are itching and my nose is starting to run.
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