
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

When "Life Happens"


I am joining up again with the The Homeschool Review Crew's 5 Days of Teaching Creatively. Today's topic is about Homeschooling in a Crisis or what I would term "Life Happens".
A couple of years ago when I started homeschooling my third child I realized that I needed to plan out our homeschool year rather than term by term. The biggest problem with this method is what to do with those "Life Happens" moments that you weren't planning for or even expecting. We haven't had any major crises in our home that has truly upset our schedule for more than a week or two which I thank the Lord for! So here are some things that have worked in our house when "Life Happens".
  • Make room in the schedule - A couple of years ago I realized that I had everything so planned out that if something happened to our schedule it really put us late into the summer doing our work. I finally took a good look at our 36 week schedule and started moving things around to fit into 33 weeks. Every 12 weeks we have a really light week of work. This give me time to polish off my plans for the next term or if "Life Happened" during the previous 11 weeks we have that week to catch up. We also have a couple of extra weeks that I don't count in my 36 week schedule for "Life Happens" moments and we definitely need them.
  • Go with the basics - Decide which subjects are your core subjects or basics. For us, the basics are Bible, Math and reading. If we have to take the day off to go to Portland then Math, Bible and a free read or literature book is what they do. If we have a half of day then they can add in copywork or handwriting for the younger kids. We generally set aside history, science, and language arts. Keep your basics small and doable.
  • When it doubt take a break! If you have small children in the house don't sweat it. Read books and let them play. When Destini was in 1st grade we found out we were expecting Delani. I was so nauseous for the first three months that I hardly do anything. I tried keeping up with school work and even changed curriculum to help, but it really didn't do much good. She only did a little bit of work that year. Now looking back I realize it was a blessing. The next year we found out she had tracking issues with her eyes and needed vision therapy. If I could have done work with her I would have only been ultra frustrated with her and myself.
  • Finally, keep your eyes on what is truly important--the Lord! I know in the midst of "Life Happens" it is so easy to get our eyes focused on the academics, or the end of year testing, or what so and so will think that we forget to trust in God. Find a scripture and cling to it. One of my favorites is Psalms 37:5 - Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.

Don't forget to enter the 5 Days of Teaching Creatively Giveaway!

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