
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Fun!! - Learning with Toys, Games & Puzzles


I'm joining up with the Old Schoolhouse Review Crew 5 Days of Teaching Creatively and today we are focusing on Toy's Games & Puzzles.
When  first saw the topic and wasn't sure I would have anything to contribute since in my mind I saw all these other phenomenal blogs where the person is always sharing their latest and greatest homemade game that they made to teach a new concept to their child. So after reminding myself that that was okay that I don't "create" my own games and such with my kids it came to me that we do use toys, games & puzzles to learn.

We have tried in the last 5 years or so to be more intentional in what we buy for the kids when it comes to toys, games, and puzzles. Usually every toy that my kids get can has an educational purpose behind it. We have lots of Legos and Playmobil (Playmobil people are great to use to portray Shakespeare stories or any story for that matter). We also have a lot of board and card games. Of course, most of the games & puzzles we use come from the store and are probably familiar to you.  What I love about using these games and puzzles is that my kids are learning, though they may not be aware of it (he, he). So here are some of our puzzles and games that have been big hits in the Starr house.

Rook - This is an all time family favorite and fun to play. It also teaches logic skills. You have to keep track of when certain numbers and colors have been played. Probably the best way to sum up this game is: "You've got to know when to hold them, know when to fold them, know when to walk away, know when to run....."

Yahtzee - Working on those math skills.
Chess And Checkers - I think this is pretty self explanatory. My kids love to play this and go through spurts of entertaining themselves for hours with this.

Prof. Noggin's Birds of North America - This game was big hit when we were doing Exploring Creation With Zoology 1.

ThinkFun Rush Hour - Another logic game. This game is great for the right brain learner.

10 Days In The USA Game and 10 Days In Europe Game - Great geography games.

GeoPuzzle U.S.A. and Canada and GeoPuzzle World - Another great geography resource.

Lauri Toys Shape and Color Sorter - Great for the preschooler. All Lauri's products are great.

Rory's Story Cubes - Okay, I'm going to cheat here and include this one though we have not played it yet. It was a Christmas gift, but I havent' had the time to sit down and play it. That being said it looks like a lot of fun and a very versatile game that you can do a lot with.

What are games that you use to "teach" your kids? Leave a comment and let me know and don't forget to enter the 5 Days of Teaching Creatively Giveaway!



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