
Saturday, March 16, 2013

TouchMath Pre-K: A Multisensory Approach to Math Review

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TouchMath is a math program with a multisensory approach. Their philosophy is: Reach and teach all learners. As students master skills they are introduced to the next simple skill. TouchMath can be used as your main program or as a supplement. Mastery is attained as the student: Sees it, says it, hears it, touches it, learns it.

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I was sent the TouchMath Pre-K for review. The Pre-K, which is for ages 3-5, uses the Kindergarten Common Core standards to expose and help define skills that will be needed for Kindergarten such as number sense, spatial concepts, and number concepts and numbers.  The skills covered for the Pre-K are:
  • Counting and number sense
  • Comparing and Classifying
  • Sorting, classifying, graphing, and patterning
  • Identifying, sorting, and classifying 2-D shapes
  • Identifying, sorting, and classifying 3-D shapes
  • Representing quantities and numerals
There are 6 modules and each have 15 workmats (worksheets) and a Progress Monitoring Record to record your child's progress. There are also optional teaching aids such as: Touchshapes, 3-D Numerals, Texture Cards, and more.

I used this with Delani who is 4. It was suggested in the Teacher's manual to used it 2 1/2 times her age so we used it around 8-10 minutes a day. Though I had downloaded the Teacher's manual on my computer and also put it on our iPad, which I found easier to read from than the computer. I printed off the workmats as needed. Each module let me know what materials I would need. Also, there is a small scripted section where many of the vocabulary words are used. Before beginning a workmat there were several pre-activity suggestions The Teacher's manual, which is very easy to use, basically had everything written out for me to do. It only required me to read and then guide Delani through each activity and workmat.

Delani enjoyed doing these sheets, though I did get some resistance from her at times. She really wanted to count her own way rather than what I was telling her to do. I'm not sure if this was resistance to the program or just her age and personality. There were several concepts that we reviewed a few times before we headed on to a new module, which is recommended in the Teacher's manual. She did like the workmats pretty well though she tired of coloring in some of the objects.

We covered topics such as groups of numbers, equal, more or less, and number position. We also learned about comparing such things as short, tall, long, short, and more. Sometimes she didn't quite understand the vocabulary word that was being used and I would have to use other words to help her understand. I would always to follow up with using the correct vocabulary word.

I think her favorite part and probably mine were the manipulatives, which not needed for the program, are a wonderful enhancement. We received the Touchshapes, 3-D Numerals, and Texture Cards. Delani immediately fell in love with the Touchshapes. I'm not sure why, but she would get them out everyday and play with the shapes. The TouchShapes were used with many of the workmats. We also used the 3-D Numerals for the module on number quantities and numerals (we skipped ahead since we were reviewing). Each number has a dots that you count aloud to represent that number. This is something that Delani struggles in and I thought it was a great reinforcement to learn to correctly count numbers/objects aloud while touching them.

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TouchMath Pre-K comes in a downloadable format and is available for $59.95.

Manipulatives are also available:
TouchShapes - $30.00
MathFans - $239.00
3-D Numerals - $79.00
TouchPoint Posters - $45.00
Texture Cards - $99.00
Number Concept Posters - $53.00

The manipulatives are a very nice quality. As I stated before the TouchShapes were Delani's favorite and are very reasonably priced. TouchMath Pre-K  is program that would work very well with a tactile child or a child that has may be struggling with development delays. Overall, I found TouchMath Pre-K a unique math program which was simple to implement and use with my preschooler.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this product through the Schoolhouse Review Crew in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations.

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