
Monday, March 18, 2013

The Homeschool Mother's Journal: Life's Happening!

My weekends have been really busy and has kept me from keeping up with The Homeschool Mother's Journal. We also have been having beautiful allergy inducing weather, which at times makes me extremely miserable and very non-productive. So again I'm really late in posting this and my news will be very short and sweet.
1. & 2. I made these skirts for an online auction that will be happening for MSOA-Salem where Caleb is taking an art class. There were some people in the house that are very sad that these skirts didn't stay in the house.
3. Homemade Pizza--a mainstay for just a couple of more weeks. Baseball will start soon and we won't be able to make this as often.
4. We have some new things we are reviewing for the TOS Review Crew. Chantry is doing math drills on MathRider. Destini is starting Progeny Press Treasure Island, Caleb is doing MUS Stewardship, and we have been making timelines with the fabulously fun TimelineBuilder App from Knowledge Quest.
5. The princess playing baseball!


  1. Those skirts are adorable!!! You just inspired me to sew some up for myself and my girls. TOO CUTE!

  2. Those skirts are way too cute! I bet my daughter would like them (even if she IS nearly 20! ;-) ). Makes me want to get my sewing machine and surger out, and use them!
