
Monday, March 25, 2013

What's On Your Nightstand - March

What's On Your Nightstand
I actually read more than I thought. Some books just seem to take a long time to read and that gives me that feeling that I haven't read much. April will be an interesting month since my parents are coming to visit, baseball practice will be starting up, and the kids are getting some projects ready for a competition they will be going to in May. I opted for some easier and hopefully doable reads for April. 

For April's Nightstand:

From my February nightstand I read:
  • Charity Girl by Georgette Heyer - Not Heyer's best romance, but it was a fun read.
  • Eight Cousins by Louisa May Alcott - One of my favorite Alcott books. (review)
  • Emily of Deep Valley: A Deep Valley Book by Maud Hart Lovelace (review)
  • Desperate: Hope for the Mom Who Needs to Breathe Sarah Mae & Sally Clarkson - Well, I'm still mulling about this book. Hopefully, a review will be forthcoming.
  • Marva Collins' Way by Marva Collins & Civia Tamarkin - I was a kid when Marva Collins was making headlines. My mom has always been a big fan of her book and I finally got around to reading it. Wow! What a fantastic story of a teacher who refused to conform to the educational system. If you homeschool or are a teacher you need to read this book.

I also read:
  • Coot Club by Arthur Ransome - Another book read in the Swallows and Amazons series. (review) 
  • Hattie Ever After by Kirby Larson - The sequel to Hattie Big Sky. I should really write a longer review, but I didn't find this book as compelling as Hattie Big Sky.
  • Publish and Perish (Ben Reese Mystery) by Sally Wright - I saw this series mentioned at Semicolon. I am really enjoying this series. I may review the whole series when I'm finished.
  • Sandwich, With a Side of Romance by Krista Phillips - Total fluff, but a fun read.
  • A Tree for Peter by Kate Seredy - I have heard a lot of good things about this book. I found a sweet little story, though I wasn't wowed by it. Read more about it here (scroll down).
  • Nesting: It's a Chick Thing by Ame Mahler Beanland & Emily Miles Terry - Loved the book title, but that was about the extent of it.

I listened to:

See what others have read over at 5 Minutes for Books.


  1. Great list! I reviewed Mr. Churchill's Secretary last month.
    Marva Collin's book inspired me WAY before I had kids to look anew at education and expectations. She is still inspiring!!Glad someone else recognizes that still.

    Lisa @

  2. I've always heard of Marva Collins, but you've inspired me to want to read the book!

    April will be interesting around here, too. :)

  3. Neat list! Kidnapped is one of those I have somehow missed along the way. Maybe some day!

    I keep hearing about Sallie Clarkson and thinking I need to read a book of hers, but it is hard to get motivated to when mine are all grown.

  4. Gonna have to go check out your thoughts on Emily.

    It's been a really, really long time since I've read a Christie mystery. Time! I need more of it.

    As always, I love looking through your list!

  5. It's funny how some months I get a lot read, and other months hardly any, but I can't always explain why. Hoping I get to read more in April than I did in March; sounds like it's the opposite for you. :-)

    I need to add Eight Cousins to my list. Never read that one.

    Enjoy your books! And your parents' visit.

  6. Great list! I see several I'm going to have to check out...

  7. I'll have to check out some of these books. :-)
