
Monday, March 25, 2013

A Peek into Our Homeschool Day

Today I am going to have a little fun and give you a peek into our homeschool day. Though most often our days are very routine and predictable it does get pretty exciting and hectic at times trying to keep up with kids ranging from pre-school to high school. These pictures were taken last Wednesday, March 20. I wasn't able to get a picture of everything that was going on since Caleb and Destini do a lot of work in their room by themselves. This was also a day that I didn't do anything with Delani, which goes to show that there I some days I just drop the ball!

1. Chantry doing math drills with MathRider.
2. Caleb reading his biography When Character Was King: A Story of Ronald Reagan by Peggy Noonan. He narrated when he was finished.
3. Chantry is reading Basil and the Pygmy Cats by Eve Titus. This is extra reading I require him to do.
4. History, science, and natural history books for Chantry and Destini, which I read aloud.
5. Reading science. 
6. Lunch time.
7. Bible time.
8. Chantry watching his Math U See lesson. 
We had a pause in our day in which I had to run a quick errand. Many days Shade doesn't have to help very much, but on this day all the kids needed help from him. Since he gets home late on Wednesdays we actually did quite a bit more work after dinner. 
9. Helping Chantry with division.
10. Helping Delani with poetry writing.
11. Giving Caleb advice on an essay he is writing.
12. Destini practicing her piano.
13. Chantry and I were working with the KQ TimeLineBuilder app. He is making a timeline of the 13 14. Colonies.
14. We usually end the day with a read aloud. We were reading Coot Club by Arthur Ransome.
 So there you have it. It looks like all we did was work, but they had time to play, read, watch some films, listen to an audio book, or play outside for a little bit. Destini, Delani and I also made a quick trip to Michaels to buy a mat so we can frame her cross-stitch project when it is finished. Overall, we had a very good day!

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