
Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Homeschool Mother's Journal: Apple Pie Day

This week our state homeschool organization OCEANetwork celebrated Home Education Week at our state capital with their annual 'Apple Pie Day'. We have lived in Oregon for 10 years and almost 5 of those years have been in the capital city itself and we have NEVER even visited the capital building let alone attend this homeschool event.

This year I thought it would be a good idea to support this event, plus tour the building and learn more about our state. There was a lot of things we could have done, but we basically just toured the capital, talked with friends, and then we headed home due to raining and the time on our meter was vanishing. (Don't get me going about how much that cost!)

We enjoyed ourselves seeing the Senate and the House in session for a few minutes, learning about the different murals on the walls, stopping into the govorner's office, and touring the grounds. I am hoping to go back during the summer time so we can get a more thorough tour. Here is a few things we saw:
  1. The front of the capitol building--the people at the bottom of the picture are all homeschoolers. We were standing out their for the rally they were holding.
  2. Getting ready to enter the building. 
  3. Another shot of the building. You can see the Oregon Pioneer on top.
  4. The Oregon State Seal is displayed right when you walk in the building.
  5. Mural on the wall depicting Oregon history.
  6. The top of the Capitol dome.
  7. Another mural.
  8. The plaza across the street with all the trees in bloom.
  9. A statue on the side lawn of the capitol building called The Circuit Rider symbolic of the many missionaries that came to Oregon.
  10. Delani standing by a pillar left from the old capitol building that burned down in 1935.

I'm linking up:


  1. We were planning to go this year, but had to cancel. Love the pictures!

  2. Sounds like such a fun and educational trip! Our state capital is over 8 hours away. Boo. :(
