
Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Homeschool Mother's Journal: Trying to Keep Up Our Routine

1. My four year old is getting too old! 2. Twirling in her new skirt.
3. Laundry service by Delani.
4. The Mysterious Benedict Society has invaded the house!
5. Curious George has too. 6. Destini's cross-stitch project.
7. Math U See Stewardship for Caleb.

In my life this week…
We have had a very hectic two weeks and this week started off that way, but thankfully things seem to settle down by the end of the week. Now my house doesn't look like anything settled down, but we did

In our homeschool this week…
We are almost done with our second term. Destini and Chantry shouldn't have too many changes going into the third term, which is nice for me.

Chantry started Rod and Staff Spelling last week and it has made the school day so much easier. He also has been reading a reading workbook aloud to me. The readings aren't very long which isn't overwhelming for either of us. When he gets to a word he doesn't know we go back to it and work on breaking it down to sound it out.

Destini is enjoying Artistic Pursuits, which I will be reviewing soon for the TOS Review Crew. She also has gotten a lot finished on her cross-stitch projectm[6].

Caleb will be finishing up All American History Volume II. I was going to have him start Economics for Everybody but may have him hold off for a few weeks. He is also doing Essential in Writing and he just started Math U See's Stewardship [7](both for TOS Review Crew), which I'm really excited about. Amidst all of that he is trying to keep up with all of his other studies and doing a pretty good job of it.

With Delani we have been reading a lot of books [5] and working on Touchmath's Pre-K program.

We also got back around to picking up our artist and music studies. That had slipped by for a couple of weeks. Thankfully, Mary over at Homegrown Learners just posted a list of resources for Bach, who is our current composer. We made good use of that today.

I am inspired by…
The Top 10 Reason NOT to Organize Your Homeschool. A fun read--go check it out.

My favorite thing this week was…
I love 4 year olds! Delani heard the dryer buzz and proceeded to go in the laundry room and unload the dryer into her shopping cart [3]. I saw her bring it in and though it was a basket until I went over and started unloading it. I thought it was pretty clever and I think I'll have to encourage this skill.

So if you notice from the picture above that Delani still sucks her thumb [5]. She also has two special blankets which she calls "Minky." She decided that the white one needed washed and while I was getting ready to wash that load I over heard her talking to Minky, She said, "You're going to be okay. You're going to have a bath!"

The The Mysterious Benedict Society has overrun my house [4]! These are Destini's favorite books and she recently requested that I order the audio books from the library. Well, all three kids, Caleb, Destini, and Chantry have been listening to them, but separately. Destini and Caleb each have been listening to them in their rooms, and Chantry has taken over what ever room is available using the portable DVD player to listen to. I'm thrilled that they are all into these, except I personally can't stand the narrator's voice, so I'm going a little bonkers. If you have never read these I highly recommend them. I think my kids are on their third or fourth time of reading or listening to them.

Things I’m working on…
This week I worked on getting back on track for dinner at home. Next week, I need to work on finishing up Caleb's schedule for Term 3, housework, and deciding if I'm making the girl's new Easter outfits or not.

I’m reading…

I’m cooking…
Breakfast for dinner (with our new waffle maker).
(And we won't discuss the rest of the week which included Five Guys Burgers and Fries.)

I’m grateful for…
For the wisdom of my parent's and my in-laws.

I’m praying for…
A special request for our family.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…
This song has become a prayer.

I am linking up at:


  1. This Mysterious Benedict Society looks interesting. I'll have to check it out. Thanks for sharing that. I hope you'll consider adding this post to my end of the week link up, Its a Wrap. -Savannah

  2. YAY for 5 Guys! I've been wanting to get my girls reading The Mysterious Benedict Society; thanks for the feedback about the series. And I did love the 10 reasons not to organize article!

  3. I love 5 Guys! Hamburgers are one of the few things I've craved or even liked this pregnancy.

    What a smarty--to use her shopping cart for laundry. I'd definitely capitalize on that! ;-)

    I'm glad things have gotten better for you and your family!

  4. Sometimes burgers are just the thing for dinner! Especially when you don't have to make them or clean up after making them. LOL Looks like a busy, busy week! Nice cross-stitching!

  5. I could totally go for a burger right now. Yum!
