
Saturday, January 23, 2016

Starr Happenings - New Year Update

Starr Happenings

It has been a while since I have posted a HSMJ. We had a good Christmas break. I always like to take a week and sew to my heart's content, but due to an abnormal medical test I had to spend my time getting some other tests done, getting ready for my parent's visit, and generally being distracted my everything. Our co-op started the first week of January, but my parents arrived January 6 so we didn't start our own school work. This week was our first week that we were back to doing our full school schedule. Here's just a small glimpse of what has happened around our home and school lately.
January 23 Collage
  1. Christmas (in January) with Grandma & Grandpa.
  2. Caleb got a new iPhone and I had to laugh because his sister was setting it up for him.
  3. I think that has to be my favorite gift Delani received for Christmas. The hat is hysterical!
  4. Chantry and Destini are doing a politics class in co-op and we have watched every debate so far. I didn't realize how much had sunk in until Delani excitedly brought us this magazine in Costco. She was so excited to recognize certain faces on it.
  5. Delani working on her addition skills. She writes them out and then makes her big sister do them.
  6. We have been working through IEW Primary Arts of Language and Delani finally made it to the first reader. I have to admit I find teaching reading so frustrating, but I'm trying to have faith and keep pressing on.
  7. While it was snowing like crazy everywhere yesterday, we enjoyed a balmy 57* outside. It felt amazing!

Weekly Wrap-Up


  1. Nice update in pics! WOW 57, that is warm compared to most this enjoy the week!

  2. It is fun to read a little update on your family. Hope the medical tests came out in such a way to relieve any worries!
