
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

What's On Your Nightstand - December

What's On Your Nightstand

My last Nightstand for the year--time flies when your having fun reading!! Overall it was a good month, though I read quite a bit of fiction (December doesn't seem too conducive for non-fiction books, especially for me.) I didn't pick up Gone with the Wind one time, so it will go back on my Nightstand list for January. And speaking of January, I am not picking too many books for my Nightstand since my parents will be here visiting (yeah!). On the other hand I may get through quite a few. We will see.

For January:


From November's Nightstand I read:
I am currently reading:
I also read:
I listened to:
See what others have read over at 5 Minutes for Books.


  1. Hi Beth, I'm visiting from the 'What's on your nightstand' link-up. Looks like you have a lot of great books read. 'Mere Christianity' is one of my all-time favorites. Hope you enjoy reading the rest of it. I also enjoyed reading Quiet, as I'm an introvert and it really encouraged me.

    Happy reading and Happy New Year!

  2. Well, I for one am really looking forward to that RAT post! Maybe this will be the year for us to pick up the Ransome books. :-)

    So much goodness here! I am once again in awe of how much you read. I'd love to know your secret. ;-)

    I have Quiet on my TBR challenge list.

  3. I reread Mere Christianity this year - I always get so much from it but always feel there is so much more to grasp. I've not heard of D.E. Stevenson - sounds interesting! I really enjoyed Quiet a year or two ago - I felt I understood myself much better after reading it.

  4. I understand moving a book from one month to another. ha. I did that with a few of my books from 2014 that didn't get read; they're now on my 2015 book list. "Quiet" was quite a stunner for me too. Lots of food for thought in it, and a new appreciation for us introverted types. :) "Mere Christianity" - definitely a book worth reading slowly. Happy New Year!
