
Friday, September 19, 2014

U is for Ugh to Ahh! (ABC Blogging)

Ben and Me

Ugh!!!! This week has just been one of those weeks. I'm sure you have experienced them.

Ours started off with a few of the kids being under the weather, which then made school work unfinished for a few days. Unfortunately, this was also the week that the honeymoon phase of the new school year ended and it was a big undertaking to finish out the week. Anyhow, the week has ended and we all have survived. I am hoping (with the help of my husband) to get everyone back on track (or prayed through), including myself.

So here is a run down of our week:
Sept 19 2014
  1. We had some odd weather on Sunday and Monday that trapped in the smoke from a forest fire burning 50 miles to the northeast of us. It was weird driving around in smoke and by Monday afternoon you could even smell it in the house. I was very grateful that my kids do not have any breathing problems. 
  2. Delani insisted that her daddy help her in math, since the big kids have dad help them. She cracks me up.
  3. We did very well getting in our Circle Time this week. We are nearing the end of the book of Exodus. I love using Balancing the Sword with our Bible readings--quick and easy. 
  4. Chantry working on Rod & Staff English--not his favorite subject. He did four lessons this week.
  5. Destini and I had lunch with our friend's Lisa and Sarah. Destini, who was hit worst with the sniffles, felt good enough to make a public appearance.
  6. I just filled my garage with 200 lbs. of apples. Thankfully, only 100 lbs. are mine, but that does mean that I will spend quite a bit of time in the kitchen making applesauce next week.
  7. Caleb got some driving time in this week. I will admit it is not easy to sit in the driver's seat and let him take my body around town. He is just learning and he is doing good, but.....I will say I have a new respect for my parents.
In our homeschool:
  • Delani: Introduced to place value with tens and units. This is a concept she hasn't caught on to yet, so I am hoping to see some understanding soon. We also spent time reading from Volume 1 & 2 of  the My Book House Series and learned some new sounds and letters for reading.
  • Chantry: His favorite subject is math, which is going along great. For science I am following Ambleside Online's suggestions for the Elements App. He covered Gold and Silver this week, along with watching the respective video's from The Periodic Table of Videos and then he wrote a narration.
  • Destini: Due to being sick, she wasn't able to keep up with her Math, English, and Spelling. 
  • Chant & Des: Since they do history together I was able to keep Destini caught up in that. I propped her up on the couch and read aloud 3 chapters from Mystery of History Volume 1 and Augustus Caesar's World. We also did readings from Age of Fable and Ben-Hur.
  • Circle Time: We added in How To Read a Book by Mortimer Adler. I am hoping that if I start now we may get through it before Destini graduates. Next week I am hoping to have composer and art study all ready to go. 
I realized while writing this post that I hadn't written out the scripture that God gave to me for this school year, in fact, I couldn't even remember the gist of it. (Shame on me, I know.) I went searching for my paper and had to smile when I saw it. Ahh!
Homegrown Learners
Weekly Wrap-Up


  1. We love the periodic tables video. We watched all of those when our oldest learned chemistry.
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. I love how your daughter wanted daddy to help with math. That is something my daughter would do as well. I love homemade applesauce. I am still looking for a place to buy bulk apples. I would love to make some applesauce.

  3. That verse just hits the spot! :)

    I hope everyone gets well quickly!
