
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Motivated Moms Chore Planner Ebooks (TOS Review)

Motivated Moms Review
I will admit that I am very haphazard when it comes to my cleaning routine. Yes, I do get the basics cleaned, but the little chores usually get ignored until they become big cleaning projects. I was very interested when I was offered the opportunity to review a Motivated Moms Chore Planner Ebook.

Motivated Moms offers a yearly house cleaning schedule that helps you focus on having a clean and organized house. Something we all desire to have, right? I had many options to choose from, but I chose Motivated Moms Half-Size Chore Planner (Color).

On the left of the page is a list of  16 daily chores with a check-off box for each day of the week. These daily chores include things like: making beds, feeding pets, sweeping the kitchen, plan for dinner, laundry, quiet time, drinking water, and more.There are also four blank lines to add your own chores.

On the right side of the page is the schedule of extra household cleaning chores broken up by each day of the week starting with Sunday. Half of the items were pretty consistent during each week. Things like cleaning bathroom mirrors, changing the towel, restocking toilet paper, paying bills, and other chores that need to be done throughout the week, but not everyday. Included are also those chores that seem to slip through the cracks. For example, during the review period I spent a couple of weeks cleaning the shelves and the drawers of my refrigerator
Motivated Moms Review
I picked the Half-Size Planner for several reasons. First is that I can be a tightwad when it comes to running things off my printer and with this choice I could get 4 weeks on one piece of paper, though I did indulge in the color edition since it didn't use much color. I thought the spot of color would add a touch of cheer to my chores. Secondly, I wanted something small that I could clip to a clipboard. I have found if I put a list in a binder it doesn't get done. Out of sight, out of mind. I needed this out in front of me.

When I first began to use it I tried to do the chores that were listed for each day, but I soon found that frustrating. Many days I just didn't have the time to get everything on the list. Several of the weekly chores were split over several days and for our family it is easier to to do them all on the same day.  

What I finally settled on doing was using the chore chart as my guide. I would then plan out my day the evening before and pull items off the list to do. This way I could put all the bathroom cleaning on one day and move other chores to days that work better for me. Of course, I didn't get everything done on the list, but I wasn't getting everything done when I was just going off the list day by day either. What I was getting done was some of those little nit-picky chores that I tend to ignore.


My favorite feature of the Motivated Moms planner was the list of chores that I could just glance at and start working on. I also appreciated that the listed chores were ones that are easily ignored and now I have a few sparkly places in my house that I didn't have before. I also liked that I could become master of the list and make it work for me.

If you are struggling to come up with a plan to keep your house in order I do recommend checking out what Motivated Moms has to offer. Motivated Moms Chore Planner Ebooks are available for $8.00. They also off an app available for .99 a month or $7.99 a year available for Apple or Android products.

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