
Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Homeschool Mother's Journal (January 31)

January 31
While everyone is experiencing weird weather, here in Oregon we have been immune to it. Even though our temperatures are in the fifties, it has been warm enough that there are things starting to bud and bloom since my eyes, throat, and nose have been letting me know. They say a cold spell is coming and I'll gladly welcome it just so I don't have to suffer with allergies from January-July.

Other than that everything has been pretty normal around here. Here is what has been happening:

  1. We started up our Shakespeare reading again. We will be reading through Hamlet.
  2. I found all my kids watching Disney's Aladdin during their lunch "break." I had to remind them that school wasn't over yet. It was hard since they were having so much fun.
  3. Roasted broccoli--I have wanted to try this for awhile and it was very good. I used frozen broccoli and lined the sheet with parchment paper which helped soak up the liquid.
  4. Caleb and Destini attempted their hand at glass etching this week. This is Caleb's project. His jar says "Seahawks."
  5. It was game week at co-op. I oversaw the kids playing Pictionary. Caleb and Destini had to draw against each other.
  6. While the teens were playing Pictionary, Chantry and Delani were learning about Antarctica and painted snowmen on a glass votive. Delani was especially proud of her votive and made sure we burned the little candle in the jar.
  7. Spelling - Somehow we forgot Destini's spelling test last week and had to make up for it this week. The problem was that this week's lesson was review and she had 50 words on her test instead of 25. Between the two tests I had to read 75 words. Reminder to self: Don't forget giving spelling tests!
  8. Delani did her own hair and was so proud of herself!
  9. Destini helped make these Rolo Pretzel candies and I decorated them in Seahawks colors to show our team spirit.
Homegrown Learners
So You Call Yourself A Homeschooler?

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