
Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Homeschool Mother's Journal - Birthday Celebration & Valentine Fun

February 14 Collage 
1. Birthday dinner at Famous Dave's. 2. Blowing out the candles. 
3. New Seahawks Superbowl Shirt.  4. Making Valentines. 
5. Chantry's Valentine cards (tutorial here.) 6. Delani's Valentine cards 
(tutorial here.) 7. & 8. Bulletin boards made at co-op. 
9. Daddy got the girls a rose for Valentine's Day.

Monday was Shade's birthday. This was also the first day of life resuming to normal after our big snowstorm. He didn't have the easiest day driving around in the snow with his recycle truck. I needed to send some book orders, but had to travel up to the Portland area to get the books. A little before noon it finally warmed up enough for the snow to start to turn slushy.

I packed up the kids and myself in our little Ford Focus and we headed up to the Portland area. The good thing was we were able to to out to Famous Dave's for Shade's birthday dinner. After dinner I had to sneak off to get his birthday present since the snow had kept me from getting it earlier.

We had a normal week for homeschool, though Monday was shortened a little. The kid's had a Valentine's Party at their co-op and we spent time making Valentine's cards for Chantry and Delani. I found some great tutorial on Pinterest and we had a great time making them. The big kid's didn't do a Valentine's exchange which was okay with them. Chantry and Delani also made cute bulletin boards to hang in their room and it was also how they brought their Valentine's home.

We actually were all home together for Valentine's Day. We bought pizza, had chocolate chip cookie pizza and ice cream. The kid's received books, candy, and a Valentine's Day card especially created for them by mom (who made them at the last minute!). I received some roses and on Monday, Shade and I will go celebrate together.

Besides fighting a chest cold and allergies I think it was a very productive and fun week!

1 comment:

  1. We had some recovery to do after a big snowstorm here too. Glad you were able to get out and enjoy the birthday dinner. (We love Famous Dave's!)

    Have a great week!
