
Friday, August 30, 2013

The Homeschool Mother's Journal: Random 5 on Friday

Aug 30 Collage
1. Donations for the Friends of the Library bookstore that I manage.
2. The kids and I along with our friends took a little break for bowling.
3. Destini's 1st Place for her quilt. 4. Fair food. 5. Ready to dig in!
6. New bedding for my bed.
  1. We started the week off with Delani getting croup. I could have made it through life without that experience under my belt, especially since it required a special visit to the Dr. office for them to just tell it was croup and do nothing for it. I had already discovered that at 5:30 in the morning!
  2. I'm still planning school work. I'm close to being done, but...
  3. We attended the Oregon State Fair on Monday. The main reason for going is the food!!
  4. Destini won a 1st Place ribbon on her quilt.
  5. I am the manager for a Friends of the Library bookstore and we have been inundated with donations, which while I appreciate them very much, I would love it if people could spread out their donations throughout the year instead of everyone donating at "back to school" (or end of the year, or spring-break) time. My mutterings consist of , "This too shall pass, this too shall pass, ...." (If you donate to your local library, I thank you. If you don't, I encourage you to!) 

The Pebble PondHomegrown Learners

Reading Journal: The Adventures of Tintin Volume 1 by Herge

{Affiliate links enclosed.}
Adventures of Tintin Volume 1 (3-in-1) - Exodus Books
Book Description:
Whether he's trolling the high seas for treasure or blasting off for the moon, young reporter-sleuth Tintin and his faithful dog, Snowy, have delighted readers everywhere for generations and with their timeless adventures. Join Tintin and Snowy as they tackle the toughest mysteries around the world in Tintin in America, Cigars of the Pharaoh, and The Blue Lotus.

My thoughts:
I had never heard of Tintin until I started homeschooling 10 years ago and I was on a hunt to find book that my oldest son would read. Our librarian, who was a homeschooler, suggested looking at the Tintin books which he did. Thus began his foray into Tintin world. Since that time we have bought the whole Adventure 3 in 1 set and these have been a staple in my kids' reading lives.

Needless, to say I have never read them so I decided I would check out and see what all the fuss is. In Adventures of Tintin Volume 1 (3-in-1) the basic gist is Tintin, a young reporter and sleuth, sets out on a journey and is either immediately kidnapped or something unusual happens which gets his curiosity up. He then spends the rest of the time trying to escape from the evil men while looking for the truth. In the midst of these adventures, which take place in different areas of the world, he has the help of his dog, Snowy, and the bumbling, not very helpful detective, the Thompson Twins. In the end he solves the mystery and one adventure leads into another.

I can see why Tintin is appealing to kids, especially boys. There is definitely more substance to these books than the Archie comics (my only other experience with comic books). Not everything in these is politically correct, but I would still hand them to my kids without hesitation.

Learn more about Tintin at the Tintin website. My kids have also enjoyed the The Adventures Of Tintin: Season One and The Adventures Of Tintin: Season Two and The Adventures of Tintin which was released in 2011 (Reading Adventures of Tintin Volume 3 (3-in-1) goes with this film.)


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Doorposts: Because You Are Strong Bible Study (TOS Review)

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Are you looking for a way to teach your older children how to study the Bible? Let me tell you about Doorposts new Bible Study, Because You Are Strong: A Study of Godly Strength for Young Men, which we have had an opportunity to review. 
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Because You Are Strong: A Study of Godly Strength for Young Men by Daniel Forster is a Bible study for ages 12 and up with a focus for young men. Though it is written for young men it is also appropriate for young ladies and alternative questions are offered throughout the study.
This Bible study focuses on accomplishing two goals:
  1. To gain a biblical understanding of strength
  2. To learn and practice Bible study skills
There are ten studies included in the book which cover these topics:
  • Strength for the Race
  • Strength with No Limits
  • Strength and Wisdom
  • Strength and Temptation
  • Strength to be Valiant
  • Strength  in Our Weakness
  • Strength in the Battle
  • Strength Serving Others
  • Strength and Gray Heads
  • Strength in the Faith

Because You Are Strong will show your child how to study the Bible on a personal level. It covers the many types of Bible study such as topical, character study, word study, verse study, and book study. It also includes many methods of which include:
  • Studying original Hebrew or Greek words
  • Comparing Scripture passages
  • Observing repeated words and themes
  • Outlining a passage
  • Gathering Scripture on a particular topic
  • Studying the lives of people in the Bible
Each study is divided into daily assignments which can take from 5-20 minutes. There are a total of 74 days included and ideas are given at the end for additional study. The King James Version is the primary resource, though other Bible translations may be used. The student will be required to mark words and verses in their Bible so a Bible that you don't mind marking up is also recommended 
You will need some additional books to complete these studies. The two most important books needed are the Nave's Topical Bible and the Strong's Exhaustive Concordance. These can be used in a digital format or book format. There is a helpful list of computer programs, apps, online Bible study tools which is included in the book.
Caleb, who is 17, worked through this book. We ran into an issue where we didn't have the Nave's Topical Bible so we had to rely on the online version. He found using this very frustrating. I eventually bought the app to put on our iPad (much to his dad's delight), and even using this was frustrating at times. For instance--the book would say:
Look up "GOD-Omnipotent" in Nave's Topical Bible. You will find about 9 verses listed... p. 11
When Caleb would look this up using the app he usually had a list a lot longer than 9 verses. This usually meant that my husband or I had to become involved and try to help him find the scriptures that he could list in the book. Eventually he was able to decipher the lists by himself. I'm all for free, but having a hard copy of the Nave's Topical Bible would have alleviated a lot of frustration.

Besides that small point, Caleb really enjoyed these Bible studies and he said it was helping him learn how to do personal Bible study, which I would say is what I really like about this book. We have studied the different ways to do different Bible study methods and have done a few on a small scale, but Because You Are Strong does a fabulous job of going through different Bible study methods in depth.

I highly recommend Because You Are Strong along with having hard copies of the Nave's Topical Bible and Strong's Exhaustive Concordance. Your student will come away knowing what the Bible has to say about strength along with personal experience on how to study the Bible. It is like getting two for the price of one!

Because You Are Strong is available from Doorposts in a softcover book for $12.00 (through 8/31) or PDF for $10.00.

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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

What's On Your Nightstand - August

{Affliate links enclosed}
What's On Your Nightstand
I was actually surprised at how much I did read this month. In the middle of August my reading list was looking pretty bleak. We will start up school next week, so that may make a difference in my reading or actually it may mean more reading aloud to the kids and less reading to myself. I do have a few books on hold at the library, which will probably all arrive in the same day! For now, I picked 5 books which I think is doable. If I do get any from the library I may swap a title. So here goes:
For September:

From my July Nightstand:
  • Around The World in 80 Days by Jules Verne (audio) - I listened to this for a bookclub I was hoping to make it to, but that didn't happen. This was my second time reading it and I think I enjoyed it more this time than the first. It definitely has some subtle humor in it. I may do this as a read aloud for my kids.
  • The Merchant's Daughter by Melanie Dickerson - Rreminiscent of the Beauty and the Beast, I found this an okay story. This is marketed for YA, but my daughter, who enjoys the story of the Beauty and the Beast, would have found it too full of romance for her taste.
  • Unnatural Death (Lord Peter Wimsey Mysteries) by Dorothy Sayers - Sayer's writing is growing on me. I enjoy the fact that her mysteries have a great balance between seriousness and humor.
  • Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? by Richard Maybury - Getting ready for Economics for the upcoming school year. I really enjoyed this book probably because it was right at my level!
  • With the Master on Our Knees: A Ladies' Bible Study on Prayer by Susan J. Heck - I was pleasantly surprised with this book. Each chapter covered a different kind of prayer in an in-depth Bible Study format plus additional things to do at the end of each chapter. Very enjoyable.
I also read:
I listened to:
  • Kim by Rudyard Kipling - This is one of the literature selections for the Ambleside Online Year 5. I decided to pre-read (or pre-listen) to it. Well, it is probably a no-go. Honestly, Kipling just doesn't do much for me and I don't find India interesting at all. Yes, I get the "spy thing", but it still didn't make it appealing enough, plus if I decided to have them read it I think it would be wiser to wait until they are older. There is a lot of mention of different religions and talk of devils which I would prefer my kids be closer to high school when sloughing through all that. Oh, and if anyone has an awesome reason for reading this please let me know.
See what others have read over at 5 Minutes for Books.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Homeschool Mother's Journal - Random 5 on Friday (Aug. 23)

August 23 Collage
1. Flowers for my anniversary. 2. & 3. Showcasing the Minnie Mouse
hair-do. 4. & 5. Playing at the park.
6. & 7. Planning, planning, planning! 8. Cheesecake--yum!
  1. While most everyone has started school, I am still planning. I spent all summer storing ideas in my brain and then I have to put them down on paper and boy, putting it on paper is a whole new kettle of fish. One of these days I will plan earlier (and yes, I say that every year).
  2. My husband has spent most of the week helping is parents get a trailer ready to move into. The down side is it causes havoc to the schedule. The good part is my boy's are learning things.
  3. I found a cute hair-do from Measured by the Heart that I pinned to Pinterest. It is the Minnie Mouse hairstyle and I promptly had to try it on Delani. Her hair is little thicker and longer than the little girl in the tutorial, but it turned out cute. What I really liked was the way she does makes an Easy Bun.
  4. On Thursday, Shade and I celebrated 21 years of marriage. He bought me flowers and tonight we went to the Cheesecake Factory.
  5. Speaking of the Cheesecake Factory, they got rid of my favorite cheesecake, Chocolate Coconut Cream. I am not happy!
The Pebble PondHomegrown Learners

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Celebrating 21 Years!

Whew! I'm in the midst of school plans and almost forgot to post this!

21 years ago we said, "I do" and we did and are still doing! Love ya, Shade!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Schoolhouse Expo has Started!

Schoolhouse Expo
There is still time to get a ticket for the Schoolhouse Expo that is happening this week!
I had a short span of time to stop in for a session and was able to listen to Heidi St. John talk about "Homeschooling for Rookies". Even though I have homeschooled for 10 years I was greatly encouraged and blessed!
You don't want to miss out. Upcoming speakers include Andrew Pudewa, Hal and Melanie Young, Todd Wilson, Dean Butler and more.
To register head on over to the Schoolhouse Expo and purchase your ticket now for $24 and don't worry if you can't attend every session since you will receive Schoolhouse Expo recordings when the Expo is over.
Disclaimer: This is a promotional post, with admission to the Expo as my reimbursement.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Understanding Child Brain Development DVD from The Family Hope Center (TOS Review)

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I just watched for review a very important DVD called Understanding Child Brain Development from The Family Hope CenterThe Family Hope Center is an international center that helps children with special needs and delays in development that cover a broad range from Autism, ADHD, Down Syndrome, learning difficulties and more.

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The Understanding Child Brain Development DVD is a recording of a seminar hosted by Andrew Pudewa.  Mark Newell and his wife, Carol, both child brain development specialists and who are the directors of The Family Hope Center share information on child brain development and how to help children gain their fullest potential.
Part of the Integrative and Developmental Progression Chart
In this DVD you come to understand the importance of the brain and how if not developed correctly it can cause special needs in children. Throughout the DVD a unique Integrative and Developmental Progression chart is shown which shows each level of the brain, when it develops, and how a child should be responding during that developmental period.
  • The DVD covers these topics:
  • Child Brain Development
  • Why Do Brain Dysfunctions Still Exist?
  • The Family Hope Center
  • The Magnificent Brain
  • The Sense of Smell
  • The Sense of Smell in Newborns
  • The Pons
  • The Mid-Brain
  • The Cortex
  • Diagnosis/Treatment at The Family Hope Center
  • Physiology vs. Pathology
  • Integrated Therapy
  • Water and its Effect on the Human Body
Now, I will be honest and say this DVD promotes The Family Hope Center and the treatment it offers. Their treatment starts with a diagnosis of the root cause of the problem rather than just trying to treat the symptoms. They show parents how they can be the solution to the problem and help their child to get on the right path of healing. They also promote families working together since they make the best support team.
Even with this information included I wouldn't let that put you off from watching this DVD. In this seminar, Mark Newell includes a lot of information that is very helpful and gives some tips that you can start to implement right away.
Here are few things I found interesting:
  • The importance of a child spending time laying on their tummy.
  • The importance of creeping and crawling.
  • The importance of a newborn baby smelling mommy and daddy in the first few days of birth.
  • A mild injury is as profound as a major injury.
They also discuss some things you can implement right away in your home to help your child's brain:
  • Good water.
  • Nutritious food--good wholesome home cooked meals vs. using convenience foods
  • Eliminating EMFs--TV, video games, microwaves, etc.--go outside and play. Movement and sunshine are important.
  • A regular schedule--Having the same bedtime and waking up time.
Though I have never used the services of The Family Hope Center I can testify to how therapy can help children and their brain. I have had two of my children have struggle with learning and one went through vision therapy and the other through a cognitive therapy which has helped them greatly.
I encourage you to head over to The Family Hope Center and check out more of their information. They have more informative videos, an e-book available for download, and so much more.
Understanding Child Brain Development is available for $19.00. To order the DVD, please call 610-397-1737 or you can also order Understanding Child Brain Development from IEW.


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