
Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Pleasure of a Good Read (or Read-Aloud)!

There is nothing I like more than settling down at night, opening a book and reading until I can't keep my eyes open. But as much as I enjoy my personal reading time there is one thing I enjoy more and that is reading a book aloud to my kids, especially one that has everyone begging for more!

We recently just finished reading aloud such a book--The Reb and the Redcoats by Constance Savery. This book is listed on the Ambleside Online Year 4 free read list and since we are right in the middle of the Revolutionary War in our history reading I knew this was a great time to read this book.
The Reb and the Redcoats tells the story of the Revolutionary War in quite a different way. In it we meet a British family the Darrington's, otherwise known as the Redcoats, who end up having their own American prisoner of war. The prisoner of war, Reb, is a young American who after many escape attempts ends up in the custody of the Darrington's children's Uncle Lawrence. Even though Uncle Lawrence has no tolerance for his prisoner the children are determined to make friends with the Reb despite their Uncle Lawrence's threats and bad moods.
When the young man is hurt in an escape attempt the perfect opportunity arises for the children to show him love and compassion. Soon the Reb and the Redcoats become friends and slowly Uncle Lawrence's animosity begins to change toward the young man. Even though they become friends, the Redcoats know that the Reb will one day make an escape, though he must find a way to do it honorably.

The Reb and the Redcoats was a story that kept my kids on their toes and begging for more. It was hard to put down and one evening we just opened the book and read it until it was finished, which we hardly ever do. The story being told from a British point of book made the book interesting, but there was a much deeper twist in the story that really made it exciting. I'm not willing to share more lest I ruin it, but I do highly recommend this book as a great addition to your history reading or just a great read aloud!

If you're looking for some great adult books to read check out my Top 10 Most Influential Books  or browse under my 'book' tag.

See what others are reading aloud over at the TOS Blog Cruise and Hope is the Word.
Read-Aloud Thursday Pictures, Images and Photos


  1. I am glad you enjoyed The Reb and the Redcoats, and I suggest that you follow it up with Savery's Enemy Brothers. With almost all of Savery's fifty books out of print, we can be grateful to Bethlehem Books for preserving these two!
    I am not surprised that Savery wrote The Reb… without animosity toward Americans, but she does criticize George Washington, something totally absent in American textbooks.
    If you Google "constancesavery" [no space between the names] you will find my web site which annotates almost everything she ever wrote. Happy reading!

  2. This sounds like one my eldest would really love! Thanks for highlighting it!

  3. Thanks for sharing. I need to put that on my to read list!

  4. Sounds like a good book! I think my boys would enjoy it, especially my Botanist Boy.
