
Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Homeschool Mother's Journal - Starting Our Visit with Grandpa & Grandma

1. Dinner with Grandma & Grandpa (and yes, I made it!) 2. Reading to the kids with my lifeline close by (McDonald's Diet Coke) 3. Playing Breitville in the iPad with Grandma.
4. Destini making her timeline with KQ TimelineBuilder App (sorry for the dark picture).
5. Mmm, I'm not sure who took this picture or exactly what I'm thinking or doing, but I got caught by someone!

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In my life this week…
After surviving Easter Sunday and getting the girls' Easter skirts finished just in time it was then time to start getting the house all spic and span for my parent's arrival on Thursday. As I was looking through my pictures I realized I forgot to take very many pictures, so I'm putting that down to a mad dash of cleaning around here.

I also attended my homeschool mom's meeting this week and as always had a great time! I love fellowship with other like minded people.
In our homeschool this week…
Along with cleaning we tried to get the school work finished by Wednesday, so we could take off the first week while Papa is here and then we'll start up school work the next week even though Grandma is here. We will continue to work on our review items and the kids are busy getting a puppet show and some poetry memorized for the ACTS Student Convention that the kids will be participating in May.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
The airport was our big place to go this week and it was a very good reason.
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share…
My favorite thing this week was…
My parent's arrival!
Things I’m working on…
I'm getting reading for a birthday party coming up next week. It is hard to believe that our baby girl will be 5!!!!
I'm reading...

I’m cooking…
Well, I failed miserably in this area this week. We saw a lot of frozen food and some fast food, but Friday evening I hopefully made up for it with some pork chops, mashed potatoes, salad, & a side of vegetables.
I’m grateful for…
My parents.
I’m praying for…
Friends and loved ones.
A photo, video, link, or quote to share…


  1. Glad you are having time with your parents.... I always feel like a new person after I spend time with my mom and dad! Thanks for linking with Collage Friday!

  2. Way to go on preparing your house and getting 5 days worth of school done in 3! That is no small accomplishment. Thanks for linking to HammockTracks and I look forward to seeing some pictures of your family with your parents this week.

  3. Love the picture of the children with their grandma.

  4. It's always good to have family visit.

    I keep forgetting to link up with the Homeschool Mother's Journal...
