
Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Homeschool Mother's Journal: Easy Week


My weekend has flown by, but here is a brief view of what happened this week.

In my life this week…
Thankfully we had a low-key week. We had quite a few days of very nice weather (1), which makes is feel like spring is in the air. Unfortunately, I've experienced too many nasty Oregon springs and this is like the calm before the storm. Maybe this year God will have mercy on me and give us a warm spring!

I've been trying to work some exercise (6) in my life. We all went out Monday and walked, but then the life happened and the rest of the week exercise was forgotten. Ha, the story of my life.

In our homeschool this week…
This was our light week before getting ready Term 3. The kids didn't have as much work, but for some reason it seemed to take just as long to do their other work as usual. I'm not sure how that works. Maybe it was all the chess they were playing (4)

We basically worked on math and language arts. Chantry wrote some sentences out on the white board (3). For some reason that is easier than writing them on paper.

I reviewed Artistic Pursuits for the TOS Review Crew. Destini has been working on it and she is enjoying it (2).

For our Shakespeare studies (5) we are reading through The Tempest (Folger Shakespeare Library). For older kids I also recommend The Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt which ties nicely with The Tempest.

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
Tuesday we headed to Portland to get the boys' haircut and then stopped at my all time favorite store, Exodus Books, where I could browse and ask questions for hours.

Things I’m working on…
Plans for the next term. I have Chantry and Destini's finished, but still have Caleb's to finish up. Procrastination is never a good thing, but I seem to thrive on it.

Some blog post for 5 Days of Teaching Creatively blog hop starting on Monday over at the Schoolhouse Review Crew.

I’m reading…

I’m cooking…
  • Spaghetti
  • Chicken & Rice
  • Potato Soup
I’m grateful for…
God's goodness.

I’m praying for…
God's will to be done for a situation in our life.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

Make sure you enter 5 Days of Teaching Creatively Blog Hop Giveaway here.

I am linking up:

Homegrown Learners

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