
Friday, March 8, 2013

Artistic Pursuit Art Program Review (Middle School 6-8, Book One)


I am excited to talk today about Artistic Pursuits Art Program which I have read great reviews about, but I had always been hesitant to try. Well, I am no longer hesitant and I want to share a few reasons why.

Artistic Pursuits, which has been newly revised, describes their program as:
A Comprehensive Art Program Designed to Involve the Student in the Creative Process While Developing Observational Skills.
It focuses on two groups of topics. The first being the elements of art and the second the principles of design. An introduction of these topics is presented in each unit which consist of four lessons. Each unit is presented in this order:
  • Lesson 1 - Builds a visual vocabulary
  • Lesson 2 - Talks about Art Appreciation and Art History.
  • Lesson 3 - Teaches technique.
  • Lesson 4 - The application of what has been taught. 

Before ever starting the lessons the students are given secrets that great artists share and are given a Ready, Set, Go approach to apply to their lessons.  There is also an objective listed in Lesson 1 of every unit, a student gallery, assignments for each lesson, and a reminder in Lesson 4 to look back over their picture for certain elements that had been taught.
We had the opportunity of reviewing the Middle School 6-8 Book One for ages 11 & up, which Destini (13) used. The books are copied on nice paper with color photos, when necessary, for the Art Appreciation pictures. It is bound with a plastic comb binding and a sturdy clear plastic sheet over the cover page. This book covers such topics as space, line, texture, shape, etc. Destini did the recommend two lessons a week. 
The first unit was about space. In Lesson 1 they talked about what space was and she did an activity of writing her name in different ways on her paper. Lesson 2 covered Art Appreciation using Portrait of an Elephant, Dal Badal, Chasing His Attendant. (Artist Unknown) It also included information of the culture of the East and West and art in India. She then did an activity of making a quick sketch of the art print on a full sheet and 1/2 sheet of paper. Lesson 3 covered what a rough sketch was and understanding drawing pencils. She then sketched a rough draft. Lesson 4 completed Unit 1 with a story and then she drew an illustration of it.
One of my main reasons for recommending Artistic Pursuits is the ease of use. When we started I had Destini read through the beginning and then she took it from there. It was not hard to use this program at all. She didn't have any problems with understanding the assignments. Many times I would walk past her room and see her working away trying to get her project just right. A couple of assignments inspired her so much she did above and beyond what was called for. She told me that this was something she really liked doing.

 Finished drawing
(This book only uses drawing pencils, but Destini was excited about
her drawing and added colored pencils.)
My second reason is that this a great investment for an art curriculum. $47.95 for a years worth of non-consumable art curriculum is a fabulous deal! (I know this for a fact since I am paying for art classes for my oldest.) I found the art supplies readily available and I didn't break my pocketbook purchasing them. Art supply kits are also available through Artistic Pursuits for each book.
My third reason is that Destini is learning from this plus it is fostering a love of art. I think my hesitation in the past was if the program would really work. Can a child really learn from a book? After using this I would have to say yes. If you look through one of the books don't be fooled by it. There is a lot of depth and teaching there that at an initial glance might be missed. I also highly recommend reading more about their philosophy here.  This really helped me get a better grasp of the program.
I highly recommend Artist Pursuits books and am glad to see that it comes for all ages:
Preschool; Elemenatary K-3 - Book One, Book Two, Book Three; Elementary 4-5 - Book One, Book Two; Middle School 6-8 - Book One, Book Two; and High School 9-12 - Book One, Book Two. This
 will be something that will be added to my 'to buy' list for next school year for my children.
Check out more Artistic Pursuit reviews by clicking the button below.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this product through the Schoolhouse Review Crew in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC Regulations.

1 comment:

  1. Looks great! LOVE your daughter's drawing!!! She is very talented! We love Artistic Pursuits here, too.
