
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A-Z Wednesday

A-Z Wednesday is hosted by Vicky of Reading at the Beach. To join, look here.

This weeks letter is: C

Carry On, Mr. Bowditch by Jean Lee Latham

Book Description:
Readers today are still fascinated by "Nat," an eighteenth-century nautical wonder and mathematical wizard. Nathaniel Bowditch grew up in a sailor"s world—Salem in the early days, when tall-masted ships from foreign ports crowded the wharves. But Nat didn"t promise to have the makings of a sailor; he was too physically small. Nat may have been slight of build, but no one guessed that he had the persistence and determination to master sea navigation in the days when men sailed only by "log, lead, and lookout." Nat"s long hours of study and observation, collected in his famous work, The American Practical Navigator (also known as the "Sailors" Bible"), stunned the sailing community and made him a New England hero.

My thoughts:
Carry On, Mr. Bowditch came highly recommended to me. It is truly a fascinating, exciting and inspiring story and when I finished reading it I told my husband he "had" to read it!


  1. Looks interesting. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I had heard of "steampunk," but didn't know what it meant either.

    Your book sounds intriguing.

    Here's mine:

  3. Never heard of it before now.

  4. I loved this book too! It is great to read along with kids.

  5. I love all things nautical so this would be a book I'd like to read.

    Thanks for playing!

  6. I have heard of this book before but have never read it.
    I really need to put it on my TBR list.

  7. I'm not big on sailing but this sounds like one of those books you can't judge by it's subject matter. My C book is here.

  8. This sounds interesting! I am always curious about people who develop skills least expected of them. I should check this one out!
