
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A-Z Wednesday

A-Z Wednesday is hosted by Vicky of Reading at the Beach. To join, look here.

This weeks letter is: Z

Okay, I'm really having to cheat here. I can't find a book title that actually starts with "Z", but I do have a series so I'm going to feature them.

Zion Covenant Series by Brock & Bodie Thoene

Book Description:
Opening in 1936, the series tells the courageous and compelling stories of those who risk everything to stand against the growing tide of Nazi terrorism that is sweeping through central Europe under the dangerous and deceitful guise of Hitler's "Third Reich."

My thoughts:
This series is absolutely awesome! I shouldn't admit this, but I read this series during one my Bible College classes. Yes, they were that good--I could not put them down. The Zion Covenant Series are exciting, sad, suspenseful, with a hint of romance stories that put your stomach in knots and curl your toes in excitement. This series definitely piqued my interest in World War II stories and films which continues to this day.


  1. I don't think it's exactly cheating! :) It's a Z, I'm sure it counts :)

  2. I have heard great things about this series as well as other series by the same authors. I have book one of the AD series in my stack somewhere.

  3. Surely there's the word Zion in one of the titles, right? Not cheating at all I'd say. ;-)

  4. Well I can see that even though we've reached the last letter of the alphabet, my TBR list keeps growing. Thanks for your suggestions. My Z book is here.

  5. Great choice, definitely not cheating!

    Thanks for playing!

  6. hi beth! i got an awrd to pass to to you.really hope you like it..=P

  7. I don't know why I never tried one of their books! I must go back and try this series. My toes could use a little curling. LOL!
