
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Book Review: The Farm Chicks in the Kitchen:Live Well, Laugh Often, Cook Much by Teri Edwards & Serena Thompson


I saw the Farm Chicks in the Kitchen advertised in the Country Living Magazine. I quickly put it on hold at the library. Due to being sick I sat down last night and read through it. I know it's funny that I'm reviewing a cookbook when I don't even like to cook, but a girl can read (or maybe dream).

The book starts out telling the story about the authors and how they started their business and their love for cooking and old things. The photography in this book is great and makes everything look appealing. The recipes are broken down into four catagories: Breakfast, Appetizers, Lunch, & Dessert. The recipes look delicious and easy to follow. Most of the ingredients are what I would consider normal (meaning I don't have to look up what that ingredient is or it sounds edible). It has little fun and interesting tidbits throughout the book such as: the Magnetic Message Center, Aprons from Vintage Sheets, Countertop Utensil Holder and other fun topics.
Overall, this book left me with a feeling that maybe I could be a "Farm Chick"! Unfortunately, real life is here and my kitchen or the food in isn't just isn't inspiring me! If you love to cook or you like to dream about cooking then I highly recommend it.

If you would like to learn more about the Farm Chicks check out their blog and their show.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Beth,
    What a joy to see your review of our cookbook, and that you were able to get it from your library, which is a favorite hang-out of ours.
    Although it sounds like you're not much of a baker, we hope you'll find something in it to try.
    Best wishes,
    Serena Thompson
    The Farm Chicks
