
Monday, March 19, 2007

Entering a new term for school!

Today we will be starting Term 3 of Ambleside Online Year 2. Here is a breakdown of what we will be doing the next 12 weeks.

Week 25

Bible Reading - Portions of O.T. and N.T., 5x week
World History - A Child's History of the World (CHOW), Chapters 58-59, Narration (N)
History/Biography - Joan of Arc, pp. 5-6, oral (N)
Geography - He Went with Marco Polo (Marco Polo), 6-7 pages, mapwork, (N)
Natural History - Pagoo, Chapter 5
Poetry - Christina Rossetti, a poem every day
Literature - Shakespeare, MacBeth, Charles & Mary Lamb Shakespeare for Children
Literature - Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 67-69, (N)
Literature - The Adventures of Robin Hood (Robin Hood), 3 chapters
Dictation - Spelling Wisdom, 5x a week
Copywork - Selections from readings, 5x a week
English - Winston Grammar, 4x a week
Math - Math U See, Delta, 4x week, drills, 5x week
Artist Study - Pieter Bruegel, Children's Games
Composer Study - Antonio Vivaldi, Four Seasons - Spring
Folk Song - Wee Sing Fun 'n Folk, "Bought Me a Cat"
Hymn - "The Old Rugged Cross"
Recitation - Linguistic Development through Poetry Memorization, "There Was an Old Person Whose Habits" , review of past poems
Bible Memory - Psalms 119:9-16
Additional Reading - (These books will take the rest of the term to finish)
-Otto of the Silver Hand (currently reading)
-Anderson's Fairy Tales (currently reading)
-A Wonder Book for Girls and Boys
-Along Came a Dog

Week 26
Bible Reading - Portions of O.T. and N.T., 5x week
World History - Our Island Story (OIS), Chapter 51, CHOW - Chapter 60, (N)
Church History - Trial and Triumph, Chapter 16
History/Biography - Joan of Arc, pp. 7-8, (N)
Geography - Marco Polo 6-7 pages, map work, (N)
Natural History - Pagoo, Chapter 6
Poetry - Christina Rossetti, a poem every day
Literature - Shakespeare, MacBeth, Beautiful Stories for Children, 1/4 of story
Literature - Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 70-71, (N)
Literature - Robin Hood, 2 Chapters
Dictation - 5x a week
Copywork - 5x a week
English -4x week
Math - 4x week, drills - 5x a week
Artist Study - Bruegel, Children's Games
Composer Study - Vivaldi, Four Seasons - Spring
Folksong - "Bought Me a Cat"
Hymn - "The Old Rugged Cross"
Recitation - "There Was an Old Person Whose Habits", recite aloud, review past poems
Bible Memory - Psalms 119:9-16
Addition Reading - see week 25

Week - 27
Bible Reading - Portions of O.T. and N.T., 5x week
World History - OIS, Chapters 52-53, (N)
History/Biography - Joan of Arc, pp. 9-12, (N)
Geography - Marco Polo, 6-7 pages, map work, (N)
Natural History - Pagoo, Chapter 7
Poetry - Christina Rossetti, a poem every day
Literature - MacBeth, 1/4 story
Literature - Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 72-74, (N)
Literature - Robin Hood, 2 Chapters
Dictation - 5x a week
Copywork - 5x week
English - 4x a week
Math - 4x week, drills - 5x week
Artist Study - Bruegel, The Tower of Babel
Composer Study - Vivaldi, The Four Seasons - Spring
Folksong - "Bought Me a Cat"
Hymn - "The Old Rugged Cross"
Recitation - "Jonathan Bing", review past poems
Bible Memory - Psalms 119:9-16

Week - 28
Bible Reading - Portions of O.T. and N.T., 5x week
World History - CHOW, Chapter 61, (N)
History/Biography - Joan of Arc, pp. 13-14, (N)
Geography - Marco Polo 6-7 pages, map work, (N)
Natural History - Pagoo, Chapter 8
Poetry - Christina Rossetti, a poem every day
Literature - Shakespeare, MacBeth, 1/4 story
Literature - Parables from Nature (PFN), "Motes in the Sunbeam", listen/read along, (N)
Literature - Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 75-76, (N)
Literature - Robin Hood, 2 Chapters
Dictation - 5x a week
Copywork - 5x week
English - 4x a week
Math - 4x week, drills - 5x week
Artist Study - Bruegel, The Tower of Babel
Composer Study - Vivaldi, The Four Seasons - Summer
Folksong - "Bought Me a Cat"
Hymn - "The Old Rugged Cross"
Recitation - "Jonathan Bing", review past poems
Bible Memory - Psalms 119:9-16
Additional Reading - see Week 25

Week - 29
Bible Reading - Portions of O.T. and N.T., 5x week
World History - OIS, Chapter 54-55, (N)
History/Biography - Joan of Arc, pp. 15-18, (N)
Geography - Marco Polo 6-7 pages, map work, (N)
Natural History - Pagoo, Chapter 9
Poetry - Christina Rossetti, a poem every day
Literature - Shakespeare, MacBeth, 1/4 story
Literature - Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 77-79, (N)
Literature - Robin Hood, 2 Chapters
Dictation - 5x a week
Copywork - 5x week
English - 4x a week
Math - 4x week, drills - 5x week
Artist Study - Bruegel, Harvesters
Composer Study - Vivaldi, The Four Seasons - Summer
Folksong - "Bought Me a Cat"
Hymn - "The Old Rugged Cross"
Recitation - "Jonathan Bing", review past poems
Bible Memory - Psalms 119:9-16
Additional Reading - see Week 25

Week - 30
Bible Reading - Portions of O.T. and N.T., 5x week
World History - OIS, Chapter 56-57, (N)
Church History - Trial & Triumph, Chapter 17
History/Biography - Joan of Arc, pp. 19-20, (N)
Geography - Marco Polo 6-7 pages, map work, (N)
Natural History - Pagoo, Chapter 10-11
Poetry - Christina Rossetti, a poem every day
Literature - Shakespeare, MacBeth, Stories from Shakespeare - audio
Literature - Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 80-81, (N)
Literature - Robin Hood, 2 Chapters
Dictation - 5x a week Copywork - 5x week
English - 4x a week
Math - 4x week, drills - 5x week
Artist Study - Bruegel, Harvesters
Composer Study - Vivaldi, The Four Seasons - Review Spring & Summer
Folksong - "Bought Me a Cat"
Hymn - "The Old Rugged Cross"
Recitation - "Jonathan Bing", recite poem, review past poems
Bible Memory - Psalms 119:9-16
Additional Reading - see Week 25

Week - 31
Bible Reading - Portions of O.T. and N.T., 5x week
World History - OIS, Chapter 58-59, (N)
History/Biography - Joan of Arc, pp. 21-24, (N)
Geography - Marco Polo 6-7 pages, map work, (N)
Natural History - Pagoo, Chapter 12-13
Poetry - Christina Rossetti, a poem every day
Literature - Shakespeare, The Comedy of Errors, Shakespeare for the Ears - audio
Literature - Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 82-83, (N)
Literature - Robin Hood, 2 Chapters, (WN)
Dictation - 5x a week
Copywork - 5x week
English - 4x a week
Math - 4x week, drills - 5x week
Artist Study - Bruegel, Winter Landscape with a Bird Trap
Composer Study - Vivaldi, The Four Seasons - Autumn
Folksong - "Polly Wolly Doodle"
Hymn - "I'll Fly Away"
Recitation - "Whole Duty of Children", review past poems
Bible Memory - Psalms 119:9-16
Additional Reading - see Week 25

Week - 32
Bible Reading - Portions of O.T. and N.T., 5x week
World History - OIS, Chapter 60-61, (N)
History/Biography - Joan of Arc, pp. 25-26, (N)
Geography - Marco Polo 6-7 pages, map work, (N)
Natural History - Pagoo, Chapter 14-15
Poetry - Christina Rossetti, a poem every day
Literature - Shakespeare, The Comedy of Errors, Tales from Shakespeare, 1/5 story
Literature - PFN, "Red Snow", listen/read along, (N)
Literature - Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 84-85, (N)
Literature - Robin Hood, 2 Chapters
Dictation - 5x a week
Copywork - 5x week
English - 4x a week
Math - 4x week, drills - 5x week
Artist Study - Bruegel, Winter Landscape with a Bird Trap
Composer Study - Vivaldi, The Four Seasons - Autumn
Folksong - "Polly Wolly Doodle"
Hymn - "I'll Fly Away"
Recitation - "Whole Duty of Children", recite, review past poems
Bible Memory - Psalms 119:9-16
Additional Reading - see Week 25

Week - 33
Bible Reading - Portions of O.T. and N.T., 5x week
American History - This Country of Ours (TCOO), Chapter 2 (N)
History/Biography - Joan of Arc, pp. 27-30, (N)
Geography - Marco Polo 6-7 pages, map work, (N)
Natural History - Pagoo, Chapter 16
Poetry - Christina Rossetti, a poem every day
Literature - Shakespeare, The Comedy of Errors, Tales from Shakespeare, 1/5 story
Literature - Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 86-87, (N)
Literature - Robin Hood, 2 Chapters
Dictation - 5x a week
Copywork - 5x week
English - 4x a week
Math - 4x week, drills - 5x week
Artist Study - Bruegel, The Peasant Dance
Composer Study - Vivaldi, The Four Seasons - Review Spring, Summer & Autumn
Folksong - "Polly Wolly Doodle"
Hymn - "I'll Fly Away"
Recitation - "Godfrey Gordon Gustavus Gore", review past poems
Bible Memory - Psalms 119:9-16
Additional Reading - see Week 25

Week - 34
Bible Reading - Portions of O.T. and N.T., 5x week
American History - TCOO, Chapter 3 (N)
Church History - Trial & Triumph, Chapter 18
History/Biography - Joan of Arc, pp. 31-32, (N)
Geography - Marco Polo 6-7 pages, map work, (N)
Natural History - Pagoo, Chapter 17-18
Poetry - Christina Rossetti, a poem every day
Literature - Shakespeare, The Comedy of Errors, Tales from Shakespeare, 1/5 story
Literature - Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 88-89, (N)
Literature - Robin Hood, 2 Chapters
Dictation - 5x a week
Copywork - 5x week
English - 4x a week
Math - 4x week, drills - 5x week
Artist Study - Bruegel, The Peasant Dance
Composer Study - Vivaldi, The Four Seasons - Winter
Folksong - "Polly Wolly Doodle"
Hymn - "I'll Fly Away"
Recitation - "Godfrey Gordon Gustavus Gore", review past poems
Bible Memory - Psalms 119:9-16
Additional Reading - see Week 25

Week - 35
Bible Reading - Portions of O.T. and N.T., 5x week American
History - TCOO, Chapter 4 (N)
History/Biography - Joan of Arc, pp. 33-36, (N)
Geography - Marco Polo 6-7 pages, map work, (N)
Natural History - Pagoo, Chapter 19
Poetry - Christina Rossetti, a poem every day
Literature - Shakespeare, The Comedy of Errors, Tales from Shakespeare, 1/5 story
Literature - Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 90-91, (N)
Literature - Robin Hood, 2 Chapters
Dictation - 5x a week Copywork - 5x week
English - 4x a week
Math - 4x week, drills - 5x week
Artist Study - Bruegel, Peasant Wedding
Composer Study - Vivaldi, The Four Seasons - Winter
Folksong - "Polly Wolly Doodle"
Hymn - "I'll Fly Away"
Recitation - "Godfrey Gordon Gustavus Gore", review past poems
Bible Memory - Psalms 119:9-16
Additional Reading - see Week 25

Week - 36
Bible Reading - Portions of O.T. and N.T., 5x week
American History - TCOO, Chapter 5, (N)
History/Biography - Joan of Arc, pp. 37-38, (N)
Geography - Marco Polo 6-7 pages, map work, (N)
Natural History - Pagoo, Chapter 20
Poetry - Christina Rossetti, a poem every day
Literature - Shakespeare, The Comedy of Errors, Tales from Shakespeare, 1/5 story
Literature - PFN, "Where unto?", listen/read along (N)
Literature - Little Pilgrim's Progress, Chapters 92-93, (N)
Literature - Robin Hood, 2 Chapters
Dictation - 5x a week Copywork - 5x week
English - 4x a week
Math - 4x week, drills - 5x week
Artist Study - Bruegel, Peasant Wedding
Composer Study - Vivaldi, The Four Seasons - Review Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
Folksong - "Polly Wolly Doodle"
Hymn - "I'll Fly Away"
Recitation - "Godfrey Gordon Gustavus Gore", recite, review past poems
Bible Memory - Psalms 119:9-16, recite
Additional Reading - see Week 25

1 comment:

  1. Oh -- you are so organized. I'm taking all of April off... so -- I'll be cramming all that organizational stuff in that last week of April. I'm practicing my eye twitch already.

    HA HA!!

    Breath Deep... SIGH.
